Whispering Mask Location & How to Remove it in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a lot of elements that may make you curious and one of these is the Whispering Mask that is often found within the underground part of the Gnarled Teahouse.

There are several of these masks that you can get your hands on, and these were made by Auntie Ethel and are given out to certain people that she meets.

If you have gotten a bit curious about them, you may have thought to try these on since they are wearable but when it comes to the effects, they can be good or bad based on events.

BG3 Whispering Mask

Where To Get Whispering Mask?

You can find multiple Whispering Masks on your way to the depths of the underground area located beneath the Gnarled Teahouse.

These include the following:

  • 4 on a table in the Entrance Gallery near the Overgrown Tunnel Entrance
  • 4 from thralls within the Overgrown Tunnel
  • 4 in The Blushing Mermaid Basement (Act III)

Whispering Mask Part of The Flock

wearing Whispering Mask

Wearing the Whispering Mask before you confront and defeat Auntie Ethel will allow her to influence you, which requires you to continuously pass an ability check.

Eventually, Auntie Ethel will take control of you if you fail to remove the mask before you fail the ability check. (Ephemeral Whispers)

Should this happen, your party will stop and notice you have lost control and will mention removing the mask as you start a battle. (Mask wearer will attack the party)

Casting the Protect from Good and Evil spell on the person wearing the mask will prevent them from being taken over by Auntie Ethel for the duration of the spell.

How To Remove Whispering Mask?

If you have put on the Whispering Mask and have lost control, you will need to remove the mask, but this can’t be done if Ethel has a hold on your character.

You will need to resort to non-lethal attacks to knock out the character that is wearing the mask, which will allow you to loot them.

Remove the mask from their equipped items and the effects will be gone, allowing you to heal the character and regain control of them.

Whispering Mask Uncanny Sight

If you kept a Whispering Mask or more of them and have already defeated Auntie Ethel, you can wear the mask without being controlled.

Instead, the Whispering Mask will now grant its weary the Uncanny Sight passive, which helps them see objects hidden to the unaided eye.

This will allow you to find hidden items or entrances that require a Perception Check and may be useful when exploring.


The Whispering Mask was initially thought to be more of a role-playing option for characters to put on, but it seems that there was more to it than just having your character taken over.

It would be useful to keep a few of these around since they are no longer harmful once you have defeated the hag (Ethel) and may be a good way to spot hidden objects later.

During the pursuit of Ethel and when you try to save Mayrina, you can use the mask to remove the gas in her lair by tossing it on top of the vents.

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