If you have obtained the Sentient Amulet in Act I, you may be wondering how “Help The Spirit of The Amulet” quest may be completed.
This requires that you progress with the game until you reach Act III, where you need to deliver the amulet to the spirit’s granddaughter.
As long as you still have the amulet with you, all you need to do is reach Act III and you can complete the quest once you reach the Open Hand Temple.
How To Get Sentient Amulet?
You can get the Sentient Amulet by opening the Adamantine Chest, which is on a small island of rock surrounded by lava.
The key to the Adamantine Chest is in the inventory of a skeleton on the side of the lake of lava but you can always pick the lock if you prefer to do so.
You will go through a cutscene where your character begins to go mad with laughter and will have to pass ability checks to resist, which later has the spirit appearing and making a request.
The request is that you bring the amulet to his granddaughter, who lives in Wyrm’s Crossing, and this is reachable in Act III.
Where To Take the Sentient Amulet?
The Open Hand Temple is where you will need to go as the granddaughter (Shirra Clarwen) serves there and you can speak to Sister Yannis to figure out where to go next.
You discover that Shirra Clarwen has passed away if you ask about her, which reveals that she is buried in the temple crypt.
You will need to head to the Open Hand Temple’s kitchen and enter the Ornate Wooden Hatch, which will allow you to find the location where Shirra is buried. (Follow the waypoint)
Head into the room where there are 4 sarcophaguses and open the one that belongs to Shirra, which causes the spirit to appear and possess the body.
The spirit will need someone to bear the curse, and he offers it to you, which gives you the choice to accept the curse or reject it.
Should You Bear the Curse?
If you agree to bear the curse, you will have to go through ability checks to resist it and if successful, you will not lose any Wisdom Points.
Additionally, you will gain the Tasha’s Hideous Laughter spell, which allows you to cause targets to become prone to laughter, which makes them vulnerable in fights.
Should you reject the curse, the spirit will attack you along with the other bodies in the other sarcophaguses. (You gain the Sentient Amulet’s Very Rare version if you choose this)
The Sentient Amulet (Very Rare) provides you with the ability to cast Shatter and Ki Restoration once per long rest.
Reaching Act III is the only way that you can complete the quest, and you should make sure that you have the amulet with you, or nothing will happen if you reach Shirra’s body.
Choosing between bearing the curse or rejecting it will determine which reward you will get, and this may make it necessary to decide based on your buildings and what you need more.
In the end, the curse should have been passed down to Shirra but since she was no longer alive, the spirit had to choose someone else to be free of it. (He thanks you in the end in a sane manner)