BG3 Threshold of Loss (Puzzle, Location & Opening)

Making your way into the Cloister of Sombre Embrace has you facing off against Viconia DeVir and her Sharran Cultists and once the fight is done, you can start exploring.

If Shadowheart is with you, it may be revealed that her parents are still alive and are behind a large door called the Threshold of Loss.

A lot of people are claiming that certain things can be done to open the Threshold of Loss and we have tried most, which leads us to list the best ways to open it.

Cloister of Sombre Embrace

Where To Find Threshold of Loss Door?

The large door called Threshold of Loos is found at the very end of the Cloister of Sombre Embrace, which is behind an altar in the large room where you fight Viconia.

You will have to fight your way through the cultists as well as defeat Viconia, who you may later spare or kill depending on if she survives.

Threshold of Loss Puzzle

If you interact with a plate on the ground near the Threshold of Loss, a short puzzle will be read that gives you a hint on how you can open the door.

The puzzle or riddle reads, “Only a Patriar’s Loss can open this door” and this means that some kind of sacrifice should be given.

When it comes to loss, it can be hinted that this is a sacrifice to the altar and Shadowheart will mention that the answer is wealth, so this would be Gold or items to be sacrificed.

How to Open Threshold of Loss?

Opening Threshold of Loss

Sacrifice Gold

If you have the spare Gold on you, all you need to do is place at least 1000 Gold on the plate and this will weigh it down and open the Threshold of Loss.

Sacrifice Items

Should you prefer to keep your Gold, you can also place items and once the total value of everything on the plate reaches 1000 Gold, the door will also open.

Lockpick The Door

If you have Astarion or if your character is a rogue or built for lockpicking, you can pick the lock of the Threshold of Loss and open it. (DC 30)

Use Knock Spell

Spellcasters that have the Knock spell may use this to force the door open, which should instantly open the door for you and your party.

Rumors About A Silver Key

A lot of people have said that you got a Silver Key from Sharran Fidelian Lamona, which is supposed to open the Threshold of Loss.

The thing is, if you interact with the door, it will be revealed that there is no keyhole, and whatever Silver Key this may be from somewhere else, or a bug needs to be fixed.


The easiest way to get into the Threshold of Loss is to just toss some Gold onto the plate to open it up or you can loot the enemies that you killed and place all their stuff on it.

As long as the value of everything on the altar’s plate is 1000 or more, this will weigh it down and open up the Threshold of Loss.

Only by entering the Threshold of Loss you will be able to find Shadowheart’s parents, who you have the chance to save.

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