BG3: The Peartree House Location & Loot

The Peartree House is one of the locations that you may be heading to depending on what quests you have decided to do in Act III.

This is where a murder has taken place and below the house, there is a basement that contains a gruesome murder scene. (This is also where you find Dribble’s Arm)

Aside from running into this house for the Investigate the Murders and the Find Dribbles the Clown quests, there are also a lot of items you can loot.

Peartree House in bg3

Peartree House Location

Peartree House location map

The Peartree House may be found to the east of the Sorcerous Sundries building and will be boarded up but this can be entered by breaking the boards.

You can easily reach the Peartree House by fast traveling to the Heapside Strand and heading north until you find the boarded-up door.

What is Inside The Peartree House?

Entering the Peartree House will lead to the discovery of the death of Franc Peartree, one of the targets on a list of people who are targeted by followers of Orin.

Peartree House

Inside the Peartree House

Inside the Peartree House itself will be a few items that can be looted, which include books and clothing, but these are not as good as what you will find below.

You will be able to find the key to a hatch that is under a Traveler’s Chest, which will lead you into the basement. (Found inside Row of Books)

Peartree’s Basement

brutal murder at the Peartree’s Basement

Entering the basement will have you come across a brutal murder scene where a ritual has taken place, and the body of a large human can be found. (Courageous Little Kimmabeth)

It turns out that this large human has been killed and their heart was used for a ritual, while the rest of the area can be looted to find several pieces of equipment.

Another body (Cassie Wheynstown) may also be found in the basement, which suggests that she was murdered alongside Courageous Little Kimmabeth.

Beyond a Metal Door, you will be able to find a Strongbox as well as several pieces of equipment that were probably meant to be sold before the untimely death of Franc Peartree.

Notable Loot in Peartree House

Peartree House

  • Soul Coin (Found in Mailbox outside)

Peartree’s Basement

  • Longsword +1 (Found impaled in Courageous Little Kimmabeth)
  • Clown’s Severed Arm (Found in Courageous Little Kimmabeth’s Inventory)

Beyond Metal Door (Peartree’s Basement)

  • 2x Soul Coin (Inside Strongbox)
  • Half Plate Armor +2 (Inside Strongbox)
  • Shortsword +2 (Inside Strongbox)
  • Longsword +1 (Found on weapon rack)


It looks like most of the targets on the list for assassination have already been killed and Franc Peartree is one of them.

Leaving all of the goodies in his basement would be a shame, so make sure you clean it out and sell what you don’t need for extra Gold.

Don’t forget to grab Dribble’s Arm (Clown’s Severed Arm) from Courageous Little Kimmabeth’s body as this is needed to complete the Find Dribbles the Clown quest.

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