How To Get Technology Points & Ancient Technology Points in Palworld

As you progress in Palworld, your character will gain levels, and this allows you to allocate Stat Points and Technology Points.

Sometimes the Technology Points from leveling up are not enough and you will need more of these to unlock items to craft and structure to build.

Luckily, players can unlock all the items and structures by obtaining additional Technology Points to spend on them.

Stone Pickaxe in Palworld

What Are Technology Points?

Technology Points are a currency that players obtain and may spend when opening their Technology Menu to unlock items and structures in their Technology Menu.

These are obtained each time a player levels up and maybe spent to permanently unlock technology that is available at their current level.

How To Get Technology Points?

1) Leveling Up

Leveling Up to get technology points

As mentioned earlier, leveling up will provide you with Technology Points whenever you level up and this gives you 6 points per level.

Leveling up can be done by earning experience, which is obtained when you capture or defeat Pals, defeat bosses, craft items, build structures, and more.

Once you have reached the max level (Level 50), you will need to resort to other methods to obtain Technology Points.

2) Using Technology Manuals

Technical Manuals in the game

Technology Points can be obtained by using Technical Manuals, which are items considered as readable material that provides the player with Technology Points.

3 types of Technical Manuals provide a different amount of Technology Points and these are the following:

High Grade Technical Manual

High Grade Technical Manuals provide you with 1 Technology Point which can be obtained by opening chests or defeating certain Pals.

The following Pals may drop High Grade Technical Manual:

  • Hoocrates (1%)
  • Katress (1%)
  • Katress Ignis (1%)
  • Wixen (1%)
  • Wixen Noct (1%)

Innovative Technical Manual

Provides 2 Technology Points and is obtainable by opening chests in more difficult areas and defeating stronger Pals.

The following are Pals that have a chance to drop Innovative Technical Manual:

  • Anubis (5%)
  • Lyleen (10%)
  • Lyleen Noct (10%)
  • Shadowbeak (10%)

Future Technical Manual

Provides your character with 3 Technology Points and is the rarest of Technical Manuals, which may be obtained from chests found in high level dungeons or dropped by stronger enemies.

3) Unlocking Waypoints

Unlocking fast travel to get 1 technology points

You will find multiple Great Eagle Statues all over Palpagos Island and every time you unlock a fast travel point, this will provide you with 1 Technology Points.

With the many Great Eagle Statues scattered all over Palpagos Island, you can get a good amount of Technology Points by unlocking them as you explore.

Unlocking a fast travel point simply requires that you interact with a Great Eagle Statue that is glowing orange and once it is activated it will change to a shade of blue.

How To Use Technology Points?

Technology Points are used in the Technology Menu, which can be accessed through your character menu in its specific tab.

You may select the Technology that you want unlocked and will need to have enough Technology Points before you can confirm unlocking it.

This will permanently allow you to craft or build the Technology that you have unlocked and will not be reset by Memory Wiping Medicine.

Ancient Technology Points

If you have already delved into the different Technology that can be unlocked, you may notice some of the more special ones in the Technology Menu.

These are found on the right side and are known as Ancient Technology and can only be unlocked with Ancient Technology Points.

Obtaining Ancient Technology Points may only be obtained by taking on some of the tougher enemies found on Palpagos Island.

Technology menu in Palworld

About Ancient Technology Points

Ancient Technology is considered to be Technology that came from a lost civilization, which is said to have unique effects and uses.

Players will often need to make use of Ancient Technology Points to unlock items and buildings that make a big difference as you progress.

How To Get Ancient Technology Points?

1) Defeating Tower Bosses

Defeating the tower bosses on Palpagos Island to get 5 Ancient Technology Points

Unlike the regular Technology Points, obtaining Ancient Technology Points is done by defeating bosses that you encounter on Palpagos Island.

The main bosses on Palpagos Island are the Tower Bosses as they can be challenged within their specific towers to provide you with one-time rewards.

These include a human enemy along with their Pal companion, which you must defeat to obtain 5 Ancient Technology Points.

2) Defeating Field and Dungeon Bosses

Defeating Field and Dungeon Bosses to get 1 Ancient Technology Point

Similar to Tower Bosses, you may encounter Field Bosses out in the open or Dungeon Bosses in Sealed Realm Dungeons. (Cave Dungeon bosses included)

These will allow you to encounter variants of Pals that act as bosses in the open world or in their specific dungeons that you may fight or capture.

Defeating or capturing a Field Boss or a Dungeon Boss will provide you with 1 Ancient Technology Point for the first “Boss Kill” but this is only once per boss.

3) Using Ancient Technical Manual

Ancient Technical Manuals in Palworld

Ancient Technical Manuals are consumable items that can be read to provide your character with additional Ancient Technology Points.

These can be obtained by opening chests, which is best done in higher-lever caves as the difficulty affects how good the drops will be.

Consuming an Ancient Technical Manual will permanently add 1 Ancient Technology Point that you can use to unlock Ancient Technology.

Uses of Ancient Technology Points in Palworld

Ancient Technology Points are used to unlock the different Ancient Technology that provides you with the ability to craft special items or build special structures.

Just like with the other Technology that you can unlock, these will require a certain amount of Ancient Technology Points to unlock.

Additionally, you will need to be at a certain level before you can unlock some of the Ancient Technology from the menu.

List of All Ancient Technology

Below is a list of all the Ancient Technology that currently exists in Palworld, which may be unlocked using Ancient Technology Points.

  • Egg Incubator (Level 7)
  • Small Feed Bag (Level 10)
  • Grappling Gun (Level 12)
  • Pal Essence Condenser (Level 14)
  • Ore Mining Site (Level 15)
  • Lockpicking Tool V1 (Level 16)
  • Mega Grappling Gun (Level 17)
  • Ring of Mercy (Level 19)
  • Average Feed Bag (Level 20)
  • Hip Lantern (Level 22)
  • Antique Dresser (Level 24)
  • Large Feed Bag (Level 26)
  • Lockpicking Tool V2 (28)
  • Single-shot Sphere Launcher (Level 29)
  • Homeward Thundercloud (Level 30)
  • Ore Mining Site II (Level 31)
  • Giga Grappling Gun (Level 32)
  • Summoning Altar (Level 33)
  • Ability Glasses (Level 34)
  • Huge Feed Bag (Level 35)
  • Electric Egg Incubator (Level 36)
  • Meteor Launcher (Level 37)
  • Scatter Sphere Launcher (Level 38)
  • Lily’s Spear (Level 40)
  • Decal Gun Set (Level 42)
  • Giant Feed Bag (Level 45)
  • Hyper Grappling Gun (Level 47)
  • Large Power Generator (Level 49)
  • Homing Sphere Launcher (Level 50)
  • Lockpicking Tool V3 (Level 51)
  • Sulfur Mine (Level 52)
  • Coal Mine (Level 53)


Technology Points are vital for unlocking many of the items and structures that you will be making as you progress through the game.

Leveling up is the best way to get a lot of Technology Points but as you reach higher levels, there will be much more that you will need to unlock.

It is good to participate in raids, open chests in the wild, and complete cave dungeons to get not only loot but some Technical Manuals if you are lucky.

Ancient Technology Points can be obtained as soon as you are ready to take on some of the bosses in the game but they can sometimes be a challenge.

To prepare yourself for such fights, it is best to have Pals that are around your level whereas you are at the same level as the bosses or higher than them.

Throughout the game, you will be able to get several Ancient Technology Points as there are a lot of bosses for you to challenge.

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