Should You Get Help From Auntie Ethel in Baldur’s Gate 3

While doing the Save Mayrina or Get Help From Auntie Ethel quests, you are given the choice to seek the aid of Auntie Ethel in removing the tadpole from your school.

Getting help from Auntie Ethel will result in pros and cons for the character that is speaking to her, which is often your main character.

Whether you would like to get help from her before you proceed with your other quests is up to you as there are some advantages, but the costs may be too great overall.

bg3 Auntie Ethel

Where To Find Auntie Ethel?

Auntie Ethel is found at the Gnarled Teahouse just further along the path where you first encounter her and the two brothers who are searching for Mayrina.

Upon opening the door to the Gnarled Treehouse, a cutscene will begin where you find Mayrina being fed by Auntie Ethel and may later seek the hag’s help.

Should You Let Auntie Ethel Take Your Eye?

Auntie Ethel taking character eye in the game

Allowing Auntie Ethel to take your eye is the price that you pay but she doesn’t just take it, you alter it and place it back in your skull.

However, will not cure the disease that you have as Auntie Ethel will claim that it is a Netherese Tadpole, which has been tampered with.

Auntie Ethel will claim that she cannot help you due to it being tampered with, which results in your eye now being a glowing green one. (You gain the Paid the Price condition)

Paid The Price Condition

Paid the Price

The Paid the Price condition provides the affected character with 1 additional point in Intimidation Checks but also gives them a disadvantage with Perception Checks.

Additionally, when you are fighting hags, you will be at a disadvantage as well and this makes the character less effective against them in a fight.

The additional Intimidation Check may be helpful when it comes to dialogue but when it comes to Perception Checks, you may have to rely more on your other characters.

Auntie Ethel’s Charm

Auntie Ethel’s Charm in the inventory

Aside from permanently having the Paid the Price condition, Auntie Ethel will also bestow upon you her charm, which is called Auntie Ethel’s Charm.

This is a consumable that you may use, causing your character to break the charm to receive several buffs that last until a Long Rest.

The buffs provided include the following:

  • Bear’s Endurance
  • Bull’s Strength
  • Cat’s Grace
  • Eagle’s Splendor
  • Fox’s Cunning
  • Owl’s Wisdom

Once the consumable is used, it will no longer be available in your inventory, and this makes it important to use it when necessary.


Seeking help from Auntie Ethel is something that most players find to be unnecessary due to the hag always having something bad around every deal she gives.

While you may gain a boost to your Intimidation Checks, the cons of having a lowered Perception Check success rate and difficulty against hags may not be worth it.

As for Auntie Ethel’s Charm, this item may be useful but the lack of any permanent benefits may not make the price of your eye being changed worth it.

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