BG3: Rakath’s Gold (Location, Rewards, How to Get & Return)

If you find yourself heading to The Counting House for a quest or are simply exploring, you will witness a robbery happening, which includes Minsc and a fake Jaheira appearing.

A man named Rakath Glitterbeard can be saved and upon defeating the enemies nearby, you may speak to him to get a quest called Return Rakath’s Gold.

This now requires that you get back a large sum of Gold and bring it back to Rakath for a reward but there is more to it than simply finding a hidden stash or killing a certain enemy.

Rakath in bg3

Where is Rakath’s Gold?

Rakath’s Gold will be found in two places; the first location will be in the Abandoned Cistern where it will be carried by a false Jaheira. (Doppelganger controlling Minsc)

Another area will be at the Guildhall in the Lower City Sewers but this is only if the fake Jaheira is able to pass it onto Roah Moonglow of the Zhentarim.

If Roah Moonglow has died in the previous acts, she will be replaced by Boss Friol when you find her in the Abandoned Cistern and the Guildhall.

How To Get Rakath’s Gold?

Killing the boss Friol

Taking back Rakath’s Gold will require you to progress with The High Harper and the Aid The Underduke quests, which will have you follow Minsc.

This leads to you discovering a deal that is being made in the Abandoned Cistern, which is where you have a chance to obtain the gold.

If you manage to defeat Roah/Friol and the Fake Jaheira in the Abandoned Cistern, you will be able to loot Rakath’s Gold from the body of a doppelganger, who was previously pretending to be Jaheira.

Should Roah/Friol escape, you will find them at the Guildhall where a fight is about to start between The Guild and the Zhentarim. (You can loot a Pouch that contains 10,000 Gold from their body)

It is possible to complete the quest early without obtaining the Gold if you have 5,000 or 10,000 Gold in your inventory as this covers the lost amount.

Returning The Gold To Rakath

Head back to Rakath where you first saved him and you may return the gold but you can sweeten the deal with either an Intimidation, Persuasion or History Check. (DC 20)

An additional Intimidation Check can be done if you have recruited Minsc after saving him, which has a lower required roll for success. (DC 15)

A successful check will allow you to return only half of the gold (5,000), allowing you to keep the remaining half.

Rewards For Returning Rakath’s Gold

Upon returning Rakath’s Gold, you will receive the following regardless of whether you have given only half or the full amount that he expected:

  • 400 Experience
  • 2635 Gold
  • High Security Vault n°9 Key


Completing the quest by turning in your Gold is a fast way to get the Experience and the key to Vault n°9 is a quick way to finish the quest and you can still track down the pouch later.

If you have turned in the Gold and have completed the quest, you can still pickpocket Rakath to get all of it, but this may take a few attempts as he rushes away if you are caught. (Reload save)

Return Rakath’s Gold is often completed alongside The High Harper and Aid The Underduke quests, making the batch a good way to get experience and loot.

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