Wixen (Location, Drops, Uses, Work & Partner Skill)

Wixen is a Fire Pal that mainly uses fire as a way to defend itself and those important to it against any threats, which often seems to be Katress.

This Fire Pal is capable of learning power Fire Active Skills but also can use the Spirit Flame Dark Active Skill when needed.

Fighting alongside Wixen creates a bond between this Fire Pal and its master, allowing both of them to harness the power of flames.

Wixen Pal

Wixen Location

Wixen Pal location map

Wixen are often found around Obsidian Mountain but are also known to have been spotted wandering around the volcanic area in the Verdant Brook.

  • Obsidian Mountain
  • Verdant Brook

Wixen Uses

Wixen is a good choice for a Pal if you need work done at your base and also require fire provided to structures such as furnaces, heaters, and cooking stations.

When added to your party, Wixen is capable of burning enemies with the many Fire Attacks that it can unleash.

Having Wixen summoned and fighting alongside it will cause your attacks to have Fire Damage applied to them thanks to its Partner Skill.

Partner Skill

Wixen has the Lord Fox Partner Skill, which causes your attacks to be imbued with fire, which also increases the amount of damage that you do.

Not only do you get a boost in damage, but your attacks will be more effective when you are fighting Ice and Grass Pals.

This becomes very convenient since you do not have to control Wixen when fighting and will be able to benefit from the Partner Skill.

Work Suitability

Wixen can work at the base to help build structures, craft items, and even transport things that it finds while also having the ability to produce fire.

  • Kindling (Level 2)
  • Handiwork (Level 3)
  • Transportin (Level 2)

Possible Drops

Wixen Drops

  • Flame Organ
  • High Grade Technical Manual

Alpha Wixen Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Flame Organ
  • High Grade Technical Manual
  • Precious Pelt
  • Ring of Flame Resistance


Wixen is quite useful in a base since it has a higher level Handiwork Skill than other Pals and its ability to provide heat for structures is something that is needed often.

The additional damage and application of fire to your attacks can be a good way to damage your enemies, especially if they are weak against your attacks. (Great for boss fights)

Wixen is sometimes hunted for the High Grade Manual that it drops but this has a low chance isn’t the most recommended way to get the manual.

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