Palworld Venom Gland Farm & Its Uses in Palworld

Venom Gland is a material that is known to be dropped from some of the creatures that possess poisonous properties and can be used for crafting.

Palworld associates poison as a Dark element, making your best target various Dark Pals when it comes to getting this material.

To get Venom Glands, it will be necessary to hunt down Pals who have such traits and it’s a good thing you can do this early in the game.

Venom Gland in Palworld

How To Get Venom Gland?

Knocking down Daedream pal to drop Venom Gland

To get Venom Glands, you will need to search for certain Dark Pals, which are often known to lurk around during the night. (Some can be found during the day too)

One of the easiest Pals that you can hunt down for Venom Glands is Daedream and Depresso as these spawn at night near the Plateau of Beginnings. (Common starting location)

As you progress to higher levels and gain stronger Pals, you can later farm Venom Glands by defeating Pals such as Killamari in caves or Cawgnito, Helzephyr, and more.

Keep in mind that there are other Dark Pals that can be found but not all of them drop Venom Glands and checking your Paldeck would be a good way to check in advance.

Pals That Drop Venom Gland

  • Cawgnito (2)
  • Daedream (1)
  • Depresso (2-3)
  • Helzephyr (1-3)
  • Killamari (2-4)
  • Menasting (5-10)
  • Prixter (4-5)
  • Shroomer Noct (4-8)

Venom Gland Uses

One of the main uses for Venom Gland is for crafting Poison Arrows, which are used with a Poison Bow or a Poisson Arrow Crossbow. (Weakens enemies and makes them easier to capture)

Venom Gland is also a material used to craft certain Pal Key Items such as Killamari’s Gloves, allowing you to use special actions related to the Pals they are related to.

While Palworld is still in early access, it could be possible that more uses for Venom Gland will be introduced into the game in the future.

Venom Gland is required to make the following:


  • Frostallion Noct Sadde
  • Killamari’s Gloves
  • Shadowbeak Saddle


  • Poison Bow
  • Poison Arrow Crossbow


  • Poison


Venom Glands are some of the easiest resources you can get from Pals and you will often find yourself having to stuff them in storage somewhere.

The easiest way to get a lot of this material is to go out at night and head to the spawn locations of Daedream and Depresso Pals since a lot spawn during that time.

Once you have about 40 or more Venom Glands, you should be able to craft the majority of what you need that requires this material.

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