Vanwyrm (Location, Drops, Uses, Work & Partner Skill)

Vanwyrm is a Fire and Dark Pal and one of the flyers that players often change to after getting their first flyers, but this fire-spewing Pal can sometimes be more convenient.

While Vanwyrm is one of the flyers that you can get your hands on, it is one of the stronger Fire Pals that you can capture in the game.

Not only does this Pal do good in a party, but it can also help out at your base by providing fire to it as well as helping when it comes to fending off raiders.

Vanwyrm Pal

Vanwyrm Location

Vanwyrm Pal location map

Vanwyrms can be found at a lower level when you are in some of the earlier regions of the game while stronger ones can be found as you progress further.

  • Bamboo Groves
  • Mount Obsidian

Vanwyrm Uses

Vanwyrm is mainly used as a flyer and most players see this as a strong weapon against enemies since you can fly and make use of its attacks to easily take out targets.

This Pal is also one of the many Pals that can provide your base with fire and to help out with items at your base, it can efficiently transport materials and other objects around.

When it comes to a fight, Vanwyrm has a Partner Skill that makes you deal more damage to enemies when you hit their weak points.

Partner Skill

Assaulting enemies from the back of a Vanwyrm can be a thrill, especially if you combine your attacks with the ones that this Fire and Dark Pal has.

To make things even better, whenever you hit an enemy while mounting Vanwyrm, your damage to their weak points is increased.

This gives you a huge advantage over enemies since headshots are often the weak spots of any target in the game.

Work Suitability

Vanwyrm will often try to provide fire whenever it can but if it notices items that need to be moved, it will easily transport them to any nearby storage.

  • Kindling (Level 1)
  • Transporting (Level 3)

Possible Drops

Vanwyrm Drops

  • Bone
  • Ruby
  • Gold Coin

Alpha Vanwyrm Drops

  • Ancient civilization Parts
  • Bone
  • Ruby
  • Precious Plume
  • Ring of Fire Resistance +1


During its earlier levels, Vanwyrm will have the Air Cannon and Ignis Blast Active Skills, which can be used one after the other to deal continuous damage.

This Fire and Dark Pal later learns stronger Fire Attacks, which are excellent for setting enemies on fire as well as destroying Ice and Grass Pals.

Vanwyrm may be bred with a Foxcicle to create its Ice Variant known as the Vanwyrm Cryst, which may be hatched from the resulting egg.

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