Palworld Speed Lotus (Location, Farm & Uses)

Exploring caves on Palpagos Island will eventually allow you to stumble upon a material known as the Speed Lotus and these may often be found in each cave.

These are an important ingredient when it comes to crafting Speed Remedies, which can be used to boost the speed of your character.

Those who tend to get a lot of these will find themselves with the opportunity to boost the work speed of their characters.

Speed Lotus (Material) in PalworldSmall orange flower that is extremely difficult to obtain. Needed to make Speed Remedies.

How To Get Speed Lotus?

Speed Lotus is found in the Palpagos Island

You can get your hands on a Speed Lotus or more of them once you start exploring caves, which can be found all around Palpagos Island.

These have an orange glow that makes them easy to spot when you are inside the caves, which can be seen from a distance.

To take a Speed Lotus that you find, you will need to get close to it and interact with it, which will place it in your inventory.

Speed Lotus Uses

A Speed Lotus is an ingredient despite it being labeled as a material, which is required to craft a Speed Remedy, which can later be consumed by your character.

This Speed Remedy is a special potion in the game that will boost the Work Speed of your character but this does not have any effect on Pals.

Gathering several Speed Lotuses will allow you to craft multiple Speed Remedy potions to use to further increase your character’s Work Speed.


While you have Pals to do the work for you at your base, some tasks can also be done by your character and you can even help your Pals.

This makes the use of a Speed Remedy or many of them vital since it affects your Work Speed, which affects how much help or work your character can do.

To get your hands on a lot of Speed Lotuses, you will want to check every cave that you can find as these are randomly generated but often found in identical spots.

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