Palworld Relaxaurus Lux Boss (Location, Drops, Weakness & Defeating)

Exploring the Bamboo Grove can result in you finding an Electric Dungeon Boss known as Relaxaurus Lux, the Gluttonous Thunder Dragon.

This is a Dungeon Boss of the Electric Relaxaurus variant, which is similar to the Relaxaurus but instead uses Electric and Dragon attacks.

Similar to the Relaxaurus that you may have encountered in the Bamboo Grove, this Pal appears to be all cute and cuddly but is extremely aggressive and dangerous.

Relaxaurus Lux Dungeon Boss in Palworld

Relaxaurus Lux Location

Relaxaurus Lux location map

You may find the Relaxaurus Lux sitting around in a dungeon called the Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon when exploring the Bamboo Grove.

The Sealed Realm of the Thunderdragon can be found at (-201, -347) and upon entering this dungeon, you will be able to fight and even capture this Dungeon Boss.

Fighting Relaxaurus Lux, Gluttonous Thunder Dragon

The Relaxaurus Lux Dungeon Boss will be Level 31 when you enter the Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon and will attack you only if it notices you.

This Dungeon Boss will often use the Dragon Cannon (Dragon) and Spark Blast (Electric) attacks at any distance and these have a short cooldown. (Dodging may be necessary)

It may use Lightning Streak (Electric) to send a lightning bolt to travel out further and will approach you using Shockwave (Electric) to shock the area around it.

Now and then, Relaxaurus Lux will come into medium range to unleash Draconic Breath, which lets out a stream of deadly dragon energy similar to a flamethrower.

Keep your distance from Relaxaurus Lux when it is about to use its other abilities and try to deal as much damage as you can when fighting alongside your Pals.

Relaxaurus Lux takes additional damage from Ground attacks as this is its weakness while Ice attacks also work. (Headshot can help you take out its health faster as well)

Relaxaurus Lux Boss Drops

The Relaxaurus Lux Dungeon Boss shares a similarity with the Relaxaurus drop table (With additional Electric drops) and will allow you to obtain the following when you capture or defeat it:

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • High Quality Pal Oil
  • Electric Organ
  • Precious Dragon Stone


The Relaxaurus Lux will often come at you with any available skills that are on cooldown and will use Dragon Cannon or Spark Blast while waiting for the others.

Keep your distance from this Dungeon Boss to avoid getting hit by Draconic Breath as this can deal a lot of damage and make sure to dodge before it unleashes the Shockwave attack.

Defeating or capturing Relaxaurus Lux is a good way to get material such as Ancient Civilization Parts and having it at your base can be useful for Electricity Generation and defense.

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