How to Unlock, Build & Charge a Power Generator in Palworld

In Palworld, you start with a primitive setup and eventually progress to the point where you get better technology which allows you to have better structures that run on electricity.

While this allows you to run your base more smoothly, these structures will require a supply of electricity to function, which is provided by a Power Generator.

Once players have unlocked and built the Power Generator, all they need to do is charge it up to supply everything that runs on electricity within their base’s range.

Building a power generator in Palworld

How To Unlock Power Generator?Unlocking power generator

The Power Generator becomes unlockable in your Technology Menu once your character has reached Level 25.

After you have unlocked the Power Generator, you may place it anywhere within your base to provide power to all structures within its range.

Building the Power Generator will require 50 Ingot and 20 Electric Organ and will automatically be worked on by Pals nearby. (You can help build it as well)

How Does A Power Generator Work?power generator near to your base range

A Power Generator must be placed within your base’s range (shown by a blue circle) to supply anything within the base with electricity.

Once a Power Generator is placed, it needs to be charged with electricity and this will be consumed the more you use structures that require electricity.

One Power Generator is enough to power a whole base and with at least one Electric Pal working to charge it, you won’t have to worry about shortages.

How To Charge Power Generator?charging a power generator in the game through electric pals

After you have built a Power Generator, electricity can be supplied to it if you have an Electric Pal assigned to work in your base.

Their task may differ from time to time if they have other skills, but you can force them to stick to the Power Generator by picking them up and tossing them at it.

Electric Pals continuously charge Power Generators and take breaks to eat or sleep from time to time (Pals with higher Generating Electricity Skills charge it faster)

Types of Generators

1) Power Generator

Power Generator is used to supply electricity for the base

The Power Generator is your standard supply of power for your base and with a decent Pal with Electricity Generation at Level 3, things should go smoothly.

This covers structures from lights up to assembly lines and should be enough to get you through the early to mid tiers of the game.

2) Large Power Generator

Large Power Generator

The Large Power Generator is the late-game source of electricity for your base and is the only structure capable of powering a base with a Crude Oil Extractor.

This is best powered with Level 3 or 4 Electricity Generating from certain Electric Pals as a Crude Oil Extractor takes up a lot of power. (Orserks seem to be the best)

How To Improve Electricity Generation?

Electricity Generation can be improved by installing an Electricity Pylon, which will allow your Pals to charge up your Power Generator or Large Power Generator faster.

This is highly recommended for bases that depend on a lot of electricity to keep a good flow running in the base.

Multiple Electricity Pylons do not stack in one base but once you have built one, power generation in a whole base becomes more efficient.


Most of the structures that require power will allow you to focus more on other tasks and require less from other Pals that do the work in your base.

Eventually, you will want to upgrade to electrical lighting and assembly lines to make things easier as this is a good technological upgrade.

Be sure to keep your Power Generator away from harm as it may be destroyed during raids and will have to be built and charged again.

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