Palworld Plantations (Types, How to Unlock & Grow Crops)

Plantations are structures in Palworld that allow you to grow specific types of food that can either be eaten, fed to Pals, or used for cooking.

These Plantations are vital for a base as well as for cooking food that you and your Pals may consume and better recipes will require specific crops.

While it may seem tedious for players to maintain their Plantations, these can later be taken care of by certain Pals if you have captured applicable ones to do the work.

Plantations in Palworld

Types of Plantations

There are currently 4 types of Plantations that exist in Palworld and these can all be crafted once you have reached a specific level.

In order, you can unlock Plantations that can grow Red Berries, Wheat, Tomato, and eventually Lettuce but these are all individual structures.

As you progress in Palworld, you will need the other Plantations to cook better types of food and some of these will even have special effects on Pals.

1) Berry Plantation

Doing Berry Plantations which are main food for pals

Berry Plantations are unlocked at Level 5 and will grow Red Berries that you can harvest, which are usually the main food for Pals since these can be dropped off at Feed Boxes.

Building a Berry Plantation requires the following materials:

  • 3 Berry Seeds
  • 20 Wood
  • 20 Stone

You can get Berry Seeds by gathering from Berry Bushes in the wild, defeating Lifmunk, or by purchasing them from a Wandering Merchant.

2) Wheat Plantation

Doing Wheat Plantations

Wheat Plantations can be unlocked once you reach Level 15 and can produce Wheat that is processed at a Mill, which can also be unlocked at the same level.

You can build a Wheat Plantation with the following materials:

  • 3 Wheat Seeds
  • 35 Wood Seeds
  • 35 Stone

Wheat Seeds are obtainable by defeating Dinossom, Bristla, and Robinquill or by purchasing them from a Wandering Merchant.

3) Tomato Plantation

Doing Tomato Plantations in Palworld

Tomato Plantations can be unlocked at Level 32 and will produce Tomatoes when they are properly worked on.

The following materials are used when building a Tomato Plantation:

  • 3 Tomato Seeds
  • 70 Wood
  • 50 Stone
  • 5 Pal Fluids

Tomato Seeds may be obtained by defeating Broncherry, Dinossom Lux, Mossanda, or by purchasing them from a Wandering Merchant.

4) Lettuce Plantation

Doing Lettuce Plantations

Lettuce Plantations are unlockable after you have reached Level 38 and will produce Lettuce when you harvest them after they are fully grown.

The following materials are used when building a Lettuce Plantation:

  • 3 Lettuce Seeds
  • 100 Wood
  • 70 Stone
  • 10 Pal Fluids

Lettuce Seeds will drop from Bristla, Cinnamoth, Broncherry Aqua, Wumpo Botan or may be purchased from a Wandering Merchant.

How To Unlock Plantations?

Plantations can be unlocked through the Technology Menu each of these will require that you meet the specific level first.

Once you have reached the required level, you will need to spend Technology Points to unlock them and will be able to access them from the Build Menu afterward.

Each of the Plantations will require a certain amount of materials, which includes specific seeds before they can be built.

How To Grow Crops?

Growing crops in Palworld

Once a Plantation has been built, there are four stages that it goes through before you can gather crops from it. (These may also be done by Pals if they have certain skills)

This will be the following:

  • Planting – Requires that seeds are planted into the plantation. (Requires Planting Skill)
  • Watering – After seeds are planted, the Plantation needs to be watered. (Requires Watering Skill)
  • Growth – Time will need to pass before the seeds turn into crops that can be gathered.
  • Harvest – Crops have been fully grown and now need to be harvested. (Requires Gathering Skill)


Plantations are necessary if you want to keep your Pals fed, which requires you to place a Feed Box for the food to be delivered to. (Requires Pals that have the Transporting Skill)

You can keep Pals in your base that have the required Work Suitability Skills, which will allow them to maintain your base so that it becomes a self-sustaining one.

To cook better food using the crops from Plantations, you will need to build better structures that allow you to cook.

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