Palworld All Passive Skills Guide

Passive Skills List

Passive Skills and Active Skills

Rare Passive Skills



Artisan +50% Work Speed
Burly Body +20% Defense
Celestial Emperor +20% Normal Attack Damage
Diet Lover -15% Hunger Decrease Rate
Divine Dragon +20% Dragon Attack Damage
Earth Emperor +20% Earth Attack Damage
Ferocious +20% Attack
Flame Emperor +20% Fire Attack Damage
Ice Emperor +20% Ice Attack Damage
Infinite Stamina +50% Max Stamina (Mounts)
Legend +20% Attack, +20% Defense + 20% Movement Speed
Logging Foreman +25% Logging Efficiency
Lord of Electric +20% Electric Attack Damage
Lord of the Sea +20% Water Attack Damage
Lord of the Underworld +20% Dark Attack Damage
Lucky +15% Work Speed, +15% Attack Speed
Mine Foreman +25% Mining Efficiency
Motivational Leader +25% Player Work Speed
Musclehead +30% Damage, -50% Work Speed
Noble +5% Sale Price
Philanthropist +100% Egg Production Rate
Runner +20% Movement Speed
Serenity +10% Attack, +30% Cooldown Reduction
Siren of the Void +20% Dark Attack Damage, +20% Ice Attack Damage
Spirit Emperor +20% Grass Attack Damage
Stronghold Strategist +10% Player Defense
Swift +30 Movement Speed
Vanguard +10% Player Attack
Workaholic -15% SAN Drop Rate

Normal Passive Skills

Abnormal +10% Neutral Damage Resistance
Aggressive +10% Attack, -10% Defense
Blood of the Dragon +10% Dragon Attack Damage
Botanical Barrier +10% Grass Damage Resistance
Brave +10% Attack
Capacitor +10% Electric Attack Damage
Cheery +10% Dark Damage Resistance
Coldblooded +10% Ice Attack Damage
Conceited +10% Work Speed, -10% Defense
Dainty Eater -10% Nutrition Decrease
Dragonkiller +10% Dragon Damage Resistance
Earthquake Resistant +10% Ground Damage Resistance
Fine Furs +3% Sale Price
Fit as a Fiddle +25% Max Stamina (Mounts)
Fragrant Foliage +10% Grass Damage Resistance
Hard Skin +10% Defense
Heated Body +10% Fire Damage Resistance
Hooligan +15% Attack, -10% Work Speed
Hydromaniac +10% Water Attack Damage
Impatient +15% Cooldown Reduction
Insulated Body +10% Electric Damage Resistance
Masochist +15% Defense, -15% Attack
Nimble +10% Movement Speed
Nocturnal Pals work at night
Otherworldly Cells +10% Attack, +15% Fire and Electric Damage Reduction
Positive Thinker -10% SAN Drop Rate
Power of Gaia +10% Earth Attack Damage
Pyromaniac +10% Fire Attack Damage
Sadist +15% Attack, – 15% Defense
Serious +20% Work Speed
Suntan Lover +10% Fire Damage Reduction
Veil of Darkness +10% Dark Attack Damage
Waterproof +10% Water Damage Reduction
Work Slave +30% Work Speed, -30% Attack
Zen Mind +10 Neutral Attack Damage

Negative Passive Skills

Bottomless Stomach +15% Hunger Increase Rate
Brittle -20% Defense
Clumsy -10% Work Speed
Coward -10% Attack
Destructive +15 SAN Drop Rate
Downtrodden -10% Defense
Easygoing -15% Cooldown Reduction
Glutton +10% Hunger Increase Rate
Mercy Hit Does not damage target health below 1
Pacifist -20% Attack
Shabby -10% Sale Price
Sickly -25% Stamina (Mounts)
Slacker -30% Work Speed
Unstable +10% SAN Drop Rate

How To Get Passive Skills?

Pals will already have certain Passive Skills and when it comes to getting the ones that you want, you will often have to capture or breed more of the Pal.

If you want to get a certain Passive Skill, you can attempt to capture the same Pal repeatedly until you find one with the Skill/s that you want.

Breeding can sometimes provide your Pals with a random skill from the whole list of them, but this only happens by chance.

Having a Yakumo fighting beside you will give you a good chance to capture Pals and have them obtain the same Passive Skill as the Yakumo.

Combing Passive Skills

To get multiple Passive Skills that you prefer from different Pals, you will need to breed them as this gives a chance for them to carry over.

There is only a certain chance for the Passive Skills to be carried over and eventually, you can get all the ones you want by continuously breeding.

This can take some time but eventually, you can get all the Passive Skills (Maximum of 4) that you want in a certain Pal to make them even better.


Passive Skills are vital in having better Pals and eventually as you progress, you will want to have Pals with 4 rare ones to boost them.

Some Passive Skills will reduce other stats, but this is okay if your Pal does not need them, such as having less Work Speed for a Pal that gains attack, which is often your companion.

Depending on what use you have for a Pal, the target’s Passive Skills will be different such as if you need the Pal for getting around or fighting enemies.

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