Palworld Mau Cryst (Location, Drops, Uses, Work & Partner Skill)

Mau Cryst is a variant of the Pal called Mau, which appears to be more crystalline in appearance and is treated as a source of good luck.

This Ice Pal often learns to use Ice and Ground attacks that can play a big part in battles depending on what enemies you face.

Just like the original Mau, this Ice Pal is capable of providing a base with the ability to generate Gold Coins when assigned to a Ranch.

Mau Cryst pal

Mau Cryst Location

Mau Cryst pal location map

You may find Mau Cryst wandering around the Astral Mountains but exploring this location will require that you have armor that provides Cold Resistance.

Mau Cryst Uses

Mau Cryst is a great companion to have in battle if you want to deal Ice or Ground Damage to the enemies that you face in battle.

Aside from being used in a fight, Mau Cryst can be assigned to a Cooler or Refrigerator to preserve food by cooling the structures.

This Pal is also capable of digging up Gold Coins if it has been assigned to a Ranch and will often go back and for between its tasks if placed in a base without any assigned structures.

Partner Skill

Mau Cryst shares the same Partner Skill as Mau, which is Gold Digger, and will be able to dig up Gold Coins that can be collected.

You can return to your base and collect the Gold Coins that Mau Cryst has dug up or have a nearby chest placed so that Pals with a level in Transporting may collect them.

Having a Mau Cryst working at a Ranch is a good way to generate Gold Coins that can be used to buy items from a merchant.

Work Suitability

Mau Cryst appears to only contribute Gold Coins when working at a base, which is provided by its ability to work at a Ranch.

  • Cooling (Level 1)
  • Farming (Level 1)

Possible Drops

Mau Cryst Drops

  • Ice Organ
  • Sapphire

Alpha Mau Cryst Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Ice Organ
  • Sapphire
  • Precious Claw
  • Ring of Ice Resistance


Mau Cryst is a great Pal to have at your base if you need food to be preserved but this requires that you assign it to a structure such as a Cooler or a Refrigerator.

If not assigned directly to a specific structure, Mau Cryst may often jump between the tasks to cool structures and work at a Ranch, (Best to assign it to one for continuous work)

Since Mau Cryst has the Ice and Ground attacks, these can sometimes be useful when it comes to defending your base from attackers.

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