Palworld Marcus & Faleris (Location, Fight Strategy, Weakness & Rewards)

Marcus & Faleris is one of the Tower Bosses that you may encounter on Palpagos Island by challenging them in their tower.

Challenging this duo puts you up against a lot of heat as Faleris is a Fire Pal that can unleash numerous attacks that may burn you.

Marcus & Faleris may be members of the PIDF but challenging won’t be a crime on Palpagos Island and defeating them will be a good way to help you progress.

Marcus & Faleris are often fought as the fourth Tower Boss in the game as they are a tough team to take on at lower levels.

It is advisable to challenge these two once you have hit Level 45 but fighting them once you reach Level 50 gives players a better chance of defeating them.

Marcus & Faleris Tower Boss in Palworld

Marcus & Faleris LocationMarcus & Faleris location map

Marcus & Faleris can be found within the Tower of the PIDF, which is located at (556, 334) in the Dessicated Desert.

The PIDF Tower Entrance is the closest waypoint you can unlock near the tower, which lies on top of a mountain to the east of the desert’s center.

Strategy to Fight With Marcus & Falerisfighting with Marcus & Faleris tower boss

It is important to know that Marcus & Faleris have a large amount of health, which is 146,985 points altogether and this team has a knack for setting their enemies on fire.

Marcus can command Faleris to use several Fire Skills, which include Ignis Rage, Ignis Breath, Fire Ball, Ignis Blast, Flare Storm, and more. (Includes other elemental attacks as well)

Faleris may use its Phoenix Flare (Special Skill) to cover itself in flames before charging toward a direction, damaging you if you get in its way.

Weakness of Marcus & Faleris

Marcus will be riding on the back of Faleris and hitting him with a ranged weapon will deal critical damage but this can also be done by hitting Faleris in the head.

Since Faleris is a Fire Pal, the best element against it would be Water, and Pals of this element will also take the least damage from any Fire Damage dealt by this boss.

Rewards for Defeating Marcus & Faleris

Once you have taken out Marcus & Faleris, you will gain a huge amount of experience as well as 5 Ancient Technology Points for unlocking special items or structures.


Even if Faleris is a Pal that is capable of flying, Marcus will be riding it at a lower altitude, making it easy for any of your Pals to reach.

Things may be a bit difficult since you may have to look up often if you are near Marcus & Faleris, which makes it best to keep your distance.

If you are set on fire by Faleris, there is a chance that the temperature will rise and you may take damage from the “Hot” status. (Bringing Heat Resistant Armor may counter this)

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