How to Level Up Fast in Palworld

Palworld has a lot of RPG features and one of them is leveling up your character, which allows you to gain Stat Points and Technology Points.

This allows you to further improve your character’s stats as well as unlock technology, which allows you to craft new items and build new structures.

Leveling up during the earlier parts of the game is pretty easy but as you get nearer to the Palworld max level, you will need to grind a bit more.

Leveling in Palworld

Best Ways To Level Up Fast

Your character will level up when they gain enough Experience Points and there are a lot of ways to get these but only some methods guarantee a large amount.

1) Capture Pals

Capturing Pals to level up fast

Capturing Pals is one of the fastest and easiest ways for you to level up as you simply need to craft Spheres, weaken enemies, and throw the spheres at them.

The lower the health of the Pal, the better the chance that a capture will be successful, and this chance goes up when you use better Spheres.

There is a feature called Capture Bonus, which allows you to gain a large amount of Experience Points for capturing the same Pal that is limited to 12 times.

2) Defeat Tower Bosses

Defeating Tower Bosses Bosses is also another way of leveling up fast in Palworld

Tower Bosses are one of the hardest challenges in the game and as you progress, you will want to be able to defeat them first before grinding them.

Once a Tower Boss has been defeated, you will get a large amount of Experience Points depending on how hard they are to defeat.

Leveling up becomes easy by grinding these bosses if you can defeat them quickly and proceed to other methods for gaining Experience Points.

3) Defeat High Level Enemies

Defeating High Level Enemies to level up character

When there are not that many Pals left to capture and the bosses that grant high Experience Points are on cooldown, you can resort to defeating tougher enemies.

Enemies that spawn on difficult areas such as Sakurajima Island, Astral Mountains, and Dessicated Desert will often provide you with a lot of Experience Points.

You can easily roam around with a high level Pal to use their Active Skills or your character’s Firearms to make quick work of them.

Other Way To Gain Experience

Other ways to gain Experience Points in Palworld would be to have your Pals complete tasks at your base but this only gives a small amount of Experience Points.

Collecting resources gives a small amount of Experience Points as well, which scales with how rare the material is, but the amount won’t be that much if you are at a higher level.

Some may have mentioned that completing quests and dungeons may help but these don’t give Experience Points aside from defeating enemies that you encounter. 


Leveling up past level 40 can sometimes be quite the grind but during the earlier parts of the game, you can easily boost your level by crafting a lot of Spheres and catching multiple Pals.

It is best to fight and grind Tower Bosses once your Pals are strong enough and when you have stronger equipment, which often should be Rare, Epic, or Legendary.

The faster you can defeat enemies, the quicker you can gain Experience Points to level up and all of this becomes easier as you progress since you and your Pals get stronger together.

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