Palworld Depresso (Location, Drops, Uses, Work & Partner Skill)

Depresso is a Dark Pal that has been given its name due to the expression on its face but it is said that this Pal is a kind regardless of how grouchy it appears to be.

You will often encounter this Pal during the night as it is a nocturnal Pal and if you manage to capture it, Depresso can be a useful companion.

For some reason, this Pal is addicted to energy drinks and may even drink several of these to give itself a short boost.

Depresso pal

Depresso Location

Depresso pal location map

Since Depresso is a nocturnal Pal, you won’t be able to find it during the day but exploring the island during the night will give you a chance to find it.

  • Windswept Hills
  • Marsh Island
  • Eastern Wild Island
  • Sea Breeze Archipelago
  • Forgotten Island
  • Ice Wind Island

Depresso Uses

Depresso is similar to most of the early game Pals that you may encounter but possesses the Dark element, making it capable of dealing more damage to Neutral Pals.

With Depresso added to your base, this Pal will be able to craft items for you, help with building structures, and even mine Stone for you.

Those who have summoned Depresso can instruct it to chug a bunch of caffeine drinks to give the Pal a speed boost. (Caffeine Inoculation Partner Skill)

Partner Skill

Caffeine Inoculation is Depresso’s Partner Skill, which causes it to drink a massive amount of energy drinks.

This causes Depresso to gain a boost in movement speed for a certain amount of time and will have a cooldown after being used.

The bonus movement speed can be helpful when Depresso needs to move around quickly if you have commanded it to do something or for it to quickly catch up to its targets.

Work Suitability

Depresso can do multiple tasks at a base, which makes it a good substitute for other starting Pals that you may find in the game.

  • Handiwork (Level 1)
  • Transporting (Level 1)
  • Mining (Level 1)

Possible Drops

Depresso Drops

  • Venom Gland

Alpha Depresso Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Venom Gland
  • Precious Pelt
  • Ring of Dark Resistance


Depresso may not appear much in the beginning but getting a few more levels into it will make it a good ally to have with you in a fight.

Eventually, Depresso learns Sand Blast and will alternately use this along with Poison Blast to continuously bombard your enemies.

The speed boost from Caffeine Inoculation seems to only be useful in battle and some have even taught this Pal Implode to turn it into a living missile.

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