Croajiro (Location, Drops, Uses, Partner Skill & Work)

Croajiro is a type of Water Pal that bears a resemblance to a frog but is a humanoid that wears a robe and carries a stick around with it. (Beware, they are aggressive if they spot you)

These Pals are known to be wise and loyal and it has been said that those who have disgraced the honor of their herd pierce their sacs, which forces them to be blown away.

The discovery of these Pals occurred later when Sakurajima Island was found and those who need ways to reach higher areas will find that Croajiro can be quite useful.

Croajiro Pal in Palworld

Croajiro Location

Croajiro Pal (location) is often found around land that is close to water

Croajiro is often found around land that is close to water, which is most likely because they are amphibian-like humanoids.

  • Eastern Wild Island
  • Islandhopper Coast
  • Plateau of Beginnings (South of Small Settlement)
  • Sea Breeze Archipelago
  • Small Cove
  • Ice Wind Island
  • Mushroom Wetlands (Sakurajima)
  • Forgotten Island

Croajiro Uses

Croajiro are hardworking Pals and can be a good addition to your base if you need Pals who can craft items and transport them.

These pals are also capable of watering your crops and gathering them once they have grown, making them great workers at a base.

Their capabilities of fighting are not that bad for an early choice of a Pal and they can be used to deal more damage against Fire Pals thanks to their Water attacks.

Partner Skill

Croajiro possesses the Leap Stance partner skill, which can be used as a way to get players to areas that they cannot reach faster.

This skill may be activated to have the Croajiro swell its abdomen, which channels its loyalty into building up energy.

You can climb on top of the Croajiro once this happens and it will propel you into the air, allowing you to climb or glide to where you need to go.

Work Suitability

These Water Pals have multiple skills that allow them to tend to your base, giving you more space for other Pals since they can cover a lot of tasks.

  • Handiwork (Level 1)
  • Transporting (Level 1)
  • Watering (Level 1)
  • Gathering (Level 1)

Possible Drops

Croajiro Drops

  • Pal Fluids (100%)
  • Cloth (25%)

Alpha Croajiro Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts (100%)
  • Pal Fluides (100%)
  • Cloth (25%)
  • Precious Entrails (100%)


Croajiro can be a good Pal to have early on in the game, replacing most of the Water Pals that you would often come across in earlier patches.

Their ability to work on several tasks at a base makes them useful when you want to grow crops as they can handle the watering and gathering processes.

When it comes to getting to higher areas or if you simply want to glide or scout around, Croajiro’s Leap Stance will come in handy the majority of the time.

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