Palworld Cooking (Recipes, Cooking Station & Making Food)

Your character will often go hungry and even Pals will need food from time to time to keep their Nutrition level high enough.

A lack of Nutrition will cause your character to go hungry and when this happens, you will not be as efficient with the things that you do.

Another reason you will want to prevent your character from going hungry is that this will prevent you from recovering and may even result in your health dropping.

Cooking Grilled Chikipi food in Palworld


Nutrition is a stat that measures the amount of sustenance your character has and with each action you perform, this will be decreased.

The same goes with your Pals as the more actions they perform, the lower their Nutrition will go, which eventually leads to hunger.

When you or a Pal become hungry, you will need to consume food to increase your Nutrition to avoid having your stats reduced.

How To Cook in Palworld?

Fire Pal cooking the food in the game

To cook, you will need to interact with a Cooking Station, which can either be a Campfire for beginners or a Cooking Pot for those who have progressed a bit.

Interacting with a Cooking Station will open its menu, which allows you to select which recipe you want to cook.

The ingredients that are required will be pulled from your inventory or any storage nearby if it is within range of your Palbox. (Within your base area)

Once you select a recipe, you will need to select the option that says “Start Production” to put the recipes in the queue. (You can prepare to cook multiple amounts of food)

Now that the food is in a queue, you may hold the interact button/key to begin cooking or wait for a Fire Pal to cook the food for you. (They will do this automatically or you may assign them)

Once food has been cooked, you will need to claim it from the Cooking Station by interacting with it again. (This works even if there are still some in progress)

How To Make Pals Cook Food?

Once you have selected a recipe to be cooked, any Fire Pal that is not busy will attempt to cook the food for you if it has the Kindling Skill.

You can assign a Fire Pal to focus on cooking by picking it up and tossing it at the Cooking Station, which will set it to focus on the task.

You may also cook with the Fire Pal to speed up the process or may do other tasks and return when the food is cooked to claim it.

Cooking Stations

Currently, there are 2 Cooking Stations available during your earlier parts of the game, which are the Campfire and the Cooking Pot.

The Campfire may be unlocked once you reach Level 2 while the Cooking Pot requires that you reach Level 17.

Once you have unlocked a Cooking Station in your Technology Menu, you may build it to begin cooking food as you please.

Cooking Recipes

The following are the Cooking Recipes available for cooking food as well as the ingredients needed to make them.

Normal Recipes

Baked Berries2111 Red Berries
Baked Mushroom1811 Mushroom
Bread2741 Flour
Broiled Dumud7011 Raw Dumud
Broncherry Rib Roast25231 Broncherry Meat
Cake656825 Flour, 8 Red Berries, 7 Milk, 8 Egg, 2 Honey
Fried Egg2311 Egg
Grilled Chikipi5011 Chikipi Poultry
Grilled Galeclaw5011 Galeclaw Poultry
Grilled Kelpsea5011 Raw Kelpsea
Herb Roasted Caprity8011 Caprity Meat
Hot Milk1611 Milk
Jam-filled Bun5161 Flour, 2 Red Berries
Lamball Kebab5211 Lamball Mutton
Mammorest Steak25231 Mammorest Meat
Mozzarina Steak8011 Mozzarina Meat
Roast Reindrix25211 Reindrix Venison
Roast Rushoar601x1 Rushoar Pork

Special Recipes

Carbonara12916+20% Defense1 Flour, 2 Egg, 2 Milk
Chikipi Saute9212+30% Workspeed1 Chikipi Poultry, 2 Red Berries
Dumud Chowder17021+50% Workspeed and Full for longer1 Raw Dumud, 2 Lettuce, 2 Tomato
Eikthyrdeer Loco Moco17422+20% Attack1 Eikthyrdeer Venison, 2 Red Berries, 2 Egg
Eikthyrdeer Stew21227+20% Defense2 Eikthyrdeer Venison, 1 Mushroom, 2 Milk
Fried Chikipi10814+30% Workspeed and reduces SAN decrease1 Chikipi Poultry, 1 Flour, 1 Egg, 1 High Quality Pal Oil
Fried Kelpsea10814+10% Defense and reduces SAN decrease1 Raw Kelpsea, 1 Flour, 1 Egg, 1 High Quality Pal Oil
Grilled Lamball14718+30% Workspeed and slightly reduced SAN decrease1 Lamball Mutton, 2 Lettuce
Herb Roasted Lamball9412+10% Defense1 Lamball Mutton, 2 RedBerries
Marinated Mushrooms607+10% Defense1 Mushroom, 2 Red Berries
Mozzarina Cheeseburger28836+20% Attack and gain Fullness2 Mozzarina Meat, 1 Flour, 2 Tomato, 2 Milk
Mozzarina Hamburger16220+50% Workspeed and slightly reduced SAN decrease1 Mozzarina Meat, 1 Flour, 2 Lettuce
Mushroom Soup527Gain Fullness1 Mushroom, 2 Milk
Omelet677+10% Attack1 Tomato, 2 Egg
Pancake425Slows down SAN decrease1 Flour, 1 Milk
Pizza18423+30% Workspeed and gains Fullness1 Flour, 2 Red Berries, 2 Tomato, 2 Milk
Reindrix Stew13217Gains Fullness1 Reinderi Venison, 2 Tomato
Rushoar Bacon ‘n’ Eggs16721+10% Attack2 Rushoar Pork, 2 Egg
Rushoar Hot dog14018+20% Defense1 Rushoar Pork, 1 Flour, 2 Lettuce
Salad8411+30% Workspeed2 Lettuce, 2 Tomato
Stewed Galeclaw9212Reduces SAN decrease1 Galeclaw Poultry, 2 Red Berries

How To Get Ingredients?

Ingredients are obtained by defeating Pals as well as collecting them from the wild and later, you can create plantations to grow some of them.

Most of the meat used for cooking can be obtained by specific Pals while the vegetables or fruits that you need can be grown at a plantation.

Other resources such as Flour need to be processed and you can always check where they can be obtained or made by viewing the ingredients when selecting the food you want to cook.


Cooking is vital for making better food so that you can increase your Nutrition faster without having to consume so much, allowing you to save certain ingredients for better options.

Some of the food restores SAN (Sanity), which can be a big help when it comes to keeping your Pals free of stress so they can continue to work.

Food items that have buffs can make a huge difference in certain situations, such as fighting in a tough area or when facing off against bosses.

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