How to Catch Pals & World Bosses in Palworld

Palworld is a unique type of survival game, which allows you to thrive in a world full of creatures called Pals that can be tamed.

To capture and tame these creatures, you will need to go through a few steps to avoid wasting resources and even getting killed.

Every Pal can be captured but some require you to go an extra mile before you can capture more powerful species in the game.

Catching Pals

How To Capture a Pal?

1) Find A Pal to Capture

Finding a Pal to catch

The first thing you will need to do is find a Pal that you want to capture and depending on which one you want, you may need to head to a specific location.

You can check your Paldeck and view information on Pals that you have previously encountered to see where they often spawn.

It is a good idea to target Pals that do not have the same species near them or else you will be attacked by all of them. (Clearing out other Pals is a good idea to give you space and safety)

2) Reduce Pal’s Health

Weakening a Pal by reducing its health to capture it

Capturing a Pal requires that you weaken it or else the chances of it being caught won’t be as high, which will eventually lead to them escaping.

You and your Pals may damage the creature until its health is low and the lower the health it has, the higher the chance of success.

Just be sure to put your Pals back in their spheres when you attempt to make a capture, or they may end up killing the Pal you want to capture.

3) Use A Sphere

Tossing a Sphere at Pal to capture

Once the Pal is weak enough, it’s time for you to toss a sphere at it and this will transport the Pal into the sphere to capture it.

This is also how you tame Pals, resulting in them being your loyal pets that will stay by your side or work at your base to speed things up.

Keep in mind that some Pals tend to escape from a sphere no matter how low their health is, which makes it necessary to carry a lot of spheres.

How To Capture World Bosses?Capturing a World Boss

If you have noticed the large Pals roaming around with a boss icon that resembles a horned helmet, this means that the Pal is a world boss.

Taming a World Boss is pretty much the same as taming any other Pal but eventually, you will need better spheres to catch them. (Weaker spheres may not affect certain World Bosses)

World bosses will often respawn when killed or captured, allowing you to tame a lot of them to get better stats and a good amount of EXP.

All Palworld Spheres

There are currently 6 spheres that can be used to capture Pals, each one being more efficient than the other but also more expensive to craft.

The following are the spheres in Palworld ranked from lowest to highest:

  • Pal Sphere – A basic model that is effective on low-level Pals
  • Mega Sphere – Improved capabilities that allow you to catch a wider range of Pals
  • Giga Sphere – Can capture moderately powerful Pals
  • Hyper Sphere – Enhanced capabilities allow you to capture even more powerful Pals
  • Ultra Sphere – Not many Pals can escape its highly efficient design
  • Legendary Sphere – Very few Pals can escape its perfected design

How To Equip Pals?Equipping Pals

Once you have caught a Pal, it will go straight into your Party, allowing you to summon it whenever you please. (Fighting for you, working on whatever you target when you summon it, and more)

If your Party is full, the Pal that you captured will go into the Palbox at your base and you can interact with this to see how many you have stored.

You may also equip your base with Pals, which causes them to work when there are tasks to do as well as defend it when you are being attacked. (You will be raided from time to time by Pals or Humans)

Capture PowerIncreasing capture power by interacting with a Statue of Power

Capture Power is your ability to easily catch Pals, which can later be upgraded to improve your chances of having more successful attempts.

You can enhance your Capture Power by interacting with a Statue of Power, which can later be built into your base once you have unlocked it.

Before you can enhance your Capture Power, you will need to collect a Lifmunk Effigy that is consumed to do this, and to enhance further, you will need more effigies.

Capture Bonus

If you have caught two or more of the same species of Pal, you will notice that there is a Capture Bonus shown by additional EXP as well as the possibility of bonus stats.

Each time you collect a species of Pal, there will be a bonus EXP given until you have captured 10 of them while the chance of having stats increases.

Even after you have caught 10 or more of a certain species, you will still be able to get ones with good stats, but bonus EXP will return to normal.


Capturing Pals is one of the main activities you do in Palworld and you will eventually need to capture 10 of each for more EXP and to get Pals with better stats.

A Pal Sphere will work on most Pals but eventually, you will come across stronger Pals and this will require you to have better spheres to use.

It is good to carry several spheres on you just in case a Pal can escape since you can throw another one to attempt to catch it again. (Sometimes Pals are caught after multiple attempts)

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