Palworld Stamina Lotus (Location, Farm & Uses)

Stamina Lotus in Palworld

One of the remedies that you can make in Palworld requires a type of material known as the Stamina Lotus, which is distinguishable by its yellow color. This material is vital for players who want to boost the Stamina of their characters, which can later be done by crafting a Stamina Remedy and consuming it. … Read more

Palworld Speed Lotus (Location, Farm & Uses)

Speed Lotus (Material) in Palworld

Exploring caves on Palpagos Island will eventually allow you to stumble upon a material known as the Speed Lotus and these may often be found in each cave. These are an important ingredient when it comes to crafting Speed Remedies, which can be used to boost the speed of your character. Those who tend to … Read more

Quivern Botan (Location, Drops, Uses & Partner Skill)

Quivern Botan Pal

Quivern Botan is a Grass and Dragon Pal, a variant of Quivern that features altered attacks compared to its original variant. This Pal features all of the work skills that its original variant has with the addition of it being able to plant seeds at the different plantations you have at your base. Just like … Read more

Palworld Meteor Launcher (How to Get, Craft and Use)

Meteor Launcher in Palworld

The Sakurajima Update changed a lot of things in Palworld and it also added new items, which includes the Meteor Launcher. This weapon fires a special type of bullet, which is a large round made from Meteorite Fragments that causes a huge explosion. This weapon can be obtained earlier than most weapons thanks to the … Read more

How To Get Meteorite Fragments in Palworld

Meteorite Fragment (Material) in Fragment

The Sakurajima Update added new materials to Palworld but not all of them can be found around Palpagos Island and instead, some fall crashing down on it. Meteorite Fragments are one of these materials, which are often obtained by chance based on an event that involves a meteorite crashing on the island. While Meteorite Fragments … Read more