How to Defeat Owlbear Mother in Baldur’s Gate 3

There are many creatures that you may encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3 and one of the iconic ones due to its offspring is the Owlbear.

The Owlbear is a Level 3 Beast that you may end up fighting after you encounter Edowin, Andrick, and Brynna, who recently were attacked.

Edowin dies due to his wounds, but you can convince the two to avenge him, which results in you finding the Owlbear Nest.

Owlbear Mother in BG3

Where To Find Owlbear Nest?

The Owlbear Nest can be found north of where you encountered Edowin and his party, which is a short distance and an obvious location if you follow Andwick and Brynna.

Andwick and Brynna will have been instructed to follow you since you are a True Soul, which will allow you to send them to the Owlbear Nest.

You can follow the two of them to the nest or head there yourself if you have not sent them to avenge Edowin, who was injured by the Owlbear.

How To Defeat The Owlbear Mother?

fighting with the Owlbear Mother by teaming with Andwick and Brynna

It is ideal to have Andwick and Brynna join you and before the fight even begins, you can send the two of them into the battle first by speaking to Andwick.

A good idea would also be to position your other companions before sending Andwick into battle to ensure safe and advantageous positions during the fight.

Once the fight has started, make use of Andwick and Brynna as the initiators and use your character and companions to fight alongside them.

The Owlbear should be easily taken down if several of you are teaming up against it and if you have Shadowheart in your party, she can be used to provide healing and buffs.

What Happens If You Kill The Owlbear?

If you kill the Owlbear, you will be able to loot its body to obtain the Head of a Broken Spear, which is an item required to create the Vision of the Absolute. (Uncommon Spear)

Should the Owlbear Cub be spared after its mother has been slain, you may later discover it at the Goblin Camp and may rescue it, which will have it appear in your camp afterward.

Even if you do not kill the Owlbear, Goblins will eventually head to the cave and kill it while also capturing the Owlbear Cub.

Owlbear Loot

Defeating the Owlbear will allow you to loot the Head of a Broken Spear but aside from that, there are many other items you can find in its cave.

This includes an offering found nearby, which is a Gilded Chest that is magically sealed near a Selune Statue, which you may unlock.


The Owlbear is one of the larger enemies that you encounter during the earlier parts of the game and defeating this beast will provide you with a good amount of experience.

Since the Owlbear can be seen wandering the nest, defeating it would be advisable before running around and looting the area.

Many players often attempt to get the Owlbear Cub later by defeating its mother early as they find it to be a great addition to their camp and may play an important role in a later act.

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