Mimog (Location, Breeding, Drops, Uses & Partner Skill)

Mimog is a Neutral Pal that takes inspiration from Mimics, which are enemies that appear as chests but are later known to be monsters.

This Neutral Pal is similar in a way but instead of attacking you, a Mimog will skitter away as fast as possible after it is threatened, which eventually ends up with you losing it.

These Pals move incredibly fast when you try to catch them, which makes them a bit annoying but later on worth it if you are out exploring.

Mimog Pal in Palworld

Mimog LocationMimog pal location map on Sakurajima Island

Although Mimog is one of the newer Pals added to the game when the Sakurajima Update was released, it can be found in several locations.

The thing about Mimog is that it takes the appearance of chests but you can distinguish this Pal easily since it doesn’t glow.

Mimog can be encountered in the following regions:

  • Bamboo Groves
  • Moonless Shore
  • Twilight Dunes
  • Mount Obsidian
  • Sakurajima
  • Astral Mountains
  • Frostbound Mountains
  • Verdant Brook

Best Ways To Catch A Mimog

Since a Mimog will run away as fast as it can and will always lose you if it gets a good distance, the best way to catch one is to be quick and choose what attack you use.

Keep in mind that upon the first hit, the Mimog will run away so it is best to use a strong attack and immediately throw a Sphere at it. (Low-level Mimogs are easier to capture)

Using the best Sphere that you have is recommended and when it comes to capturing these Pals, it is best to target the low-level ones. (Level depends on the region you find it in)

Mimog Breeding

Currently, the only way for you to breed a Mimog is to use the same species of Pal as there are no other combinations for it.

Your best bet is to capture low-level Mimogs and use a male and female to breed them at your base to get more.

If you can handle the higher areas and have good Spheres to use, capturing a higher-level Mimog won’t be that difficult.

Mimog Uses

Mimogs don’t have much use when it comes to having them in a base since all they can do is gather from plantations.

When it comes to fighting beside you, a high-level Mimog can unleash powerful attacks, which includes the Holy Burst Active Skill.

Currently, the main use players have for an upgraded Mimog is to use it to easily open chests that they do not have keys for.

Partner Skill

Mimog’s Partner Skill is called Master of Unlocking, which allows Mimog to open up chests that you find without the need for a key.

It is best to keep a Mimog with you while you are exploring as they can open treasure chests that you find depending on their Partner Skill level.

The higher the level of the Mimog’s Partner Skill, the more chests you will be able to open as you explore and stumble upon them. (Upgrade is done through the Pal Essence Condenser)

Work Suitability

The only contribution a Mimog has at a base is that it looks adorable and can gather from plantations, making it better as a companion instead.

  • Gathering (Level 1)

Possible Drops

Mimog Drops

  • Gold Coin (100%)
  • Dog Coin (100%)
  • Training Annual XL (20%)

Alpha Mimog Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts (100%)
  • Gold Coin (100%)
  • Training Manual XL (100%)
  • Ring of Resistance +1 (3%)
  • Precious Claw (100%)


While the description of this Pal indicates that they are capable of biting their victims to death, this seems to be different from the ones you encounter on the island.

Mimog is mainly a good Pal to have if you tend to explore and come across various chests so you don’t have to go searching for keys before opening them.

Aside from being a good portable lockpick, Mimog may be able to hold its own against enemies but it isn’t the toughest Pal to have in a fight.

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