Katress Ignis (Location, Breeding, Drops, Uses & Partner Skill)

Katress Ignis is a Dark and Fire Pal unlike its original Variant (Katress) that is capable of utilizing Dark and Fire Attacks in battle. (Introduced in Sakurajima Update)

Possessing the ability to create fire allows this Pal to be more helpful in a base and when it comes to farming items, Grass Pals tend to give more with Katress Ignis around.

This Pal is a great companion to have while you are exploring due to its ability to continuously attack enemies and keep you warm in cold areas.

Katress Ignis Pal in Palworld

Katress Ignis Location

Katress Ignis pal is found when you explore caves in the Sakurajima Island

Katress Ignis cannot be found on the surface of Palpagos Island and is instead a Pal that can be encountered when you explore caves.

The only caves that Katress Ignis will spawn in will be those found on Sakurajima Island but others can resort to breeding to get this Pal as well.

How To Breed Katress Ignis?

To breed Katress Ignis, you will first need to obtain a Katress and a Wixen but things won’t be as simple as assigning them a Breeding Farm.

You will need to make sure that you breed a MALE Wixen with a Female Katress to have them produce a Large Dark Egg, which will hatch into a Katress Ignis.

Katress Ignis Uses

Katress Ignis provides you with the option of dealing Dark, Fire, or both damage types to your enemies depending on what Active Skills are equipped.

When it comes to fighting Grass Pals, Katress Ignis’ Partner Skill will provide you with more drops when you defeat them.

Assigning this Pal to the base is a good way to keep fires going in your base since it can do tasks such as cooking and smelting when needed. (It can also craft different items and medicine)

Partner Skill

The original variant (Katress) provided the ability to gain more loot from Neutral Pals but with Katress Ignis, this effect works on Grass Pals.

Katris Ignis’ Partner Skill is called Botanical Atlas and it causes Grass Pals to drop more items when they are defeated.

For this Partner Skill to work, you will need to have Katress Ignis summoned and while it is on the field, Grass Pals will drop more loot than usual.

Work Suitability

Katress Ignis has the same Work Skills as its original variant with the addition of Kindling (Level 2) that allows it to provide fire to structures.

  • Kindling (Level 2)
  • Handiwork (Level 2)
  • Medicine Production (Level 2)
  • Transporting (Level 2)

Possible Drops

Katress Ignis Drops

Alpha Katress Ignis Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts (100%)
  • Flame Organ (100%)
  • Katress Hair (50%)
  • High Grade Technical Manual (1%)
  • Precious Pelt (100%)
  • Ring of Fire Resistance +1


When it comes to farming items that drop from Grass Pals, using Katress Ignis is a good choice since it can easily defeat the Pals.

Choosing to use Dark or Fire Active Skills is a good way to focus on dealing with a certain type of damage, which can be boosted even further by certain Pals.

If you plan to breed Pals to get Katress Ignis, it would be good to use ones with good Passive Skills so they can be carried over to the child.

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