BG3: The Courier Dogs Location & How to Save Them in Sword Coast

If you have found Scratch earlier in Act I, you will be surprised to find out that he belonged to the Sword Coast Couriers and may find other dogs that he was with.

This happens once you reach Act III and find the Sword Coast Couriers building, where dogs can be found in cages and Scratch may also come close to being taken away.

These dogs appear to be poorly treated under the supervision of Angry Mar’hyah but things can be changed if you intervene with the way she runs things.

Sword Coast Couriers Dogs in bg3

Where To Find The Sword Coast Couriers Dogs?

Sword Coast Couriers Dogs location map

The Sword Coast Couriers building may be found to the east of the Open Hand Temple and north of the well in Rivington.

If you head around the back of the building, you will find 2 dogs in cages where Angry Mar’hyah and Oyster Boy Dringo are standing around.

How To Save The Courier Dogs?

speaking to Angry Mar’hyah

While the Sword Coast Courier dogs are not in danger of being killed, they are being mistreated and this is evident based on how Oyster Boy Dringo acts.

When speaking to Angry Mar’hyah, you have the option to talk about Scratch and she asks you to summon him to have him checked.

Upon summoning Scratch, he appears to be afraid and Mar’hyah demands that you release him to her as he is the property of the Sword Coast Courier dogs.

You can resort to an Intimidation or Persuasion Check to prevent Scratch from being taken away or else you have no choice but to surrender him or attack.

Should you pass the Intimidation Check, Mar’hyah will permanently leave, and Oyster Boy Dringo will release the other dogs, which is a sign that they are now in good hands.

If Scratch is taken away, you can break him out by unlocking the cages via lockpicking or stealing the key from Angry Mar’hyah.

Scratch in bg3

Should you be caught, you will get into a fight with Angry Mar’hyah but if the dogs are let out of their cages, they will fight her instead. (Scratch will run off after she is dead)

After talking Angry Mar’hyah into disappearing (bypassing the Ability Checks) or if Scratch survives the fight, he will appear at camp again.


The whole ordeal can be avoided by not talking to Angry Mar’hyah but that would leave the other dogs in her miserable care.

For those who love dogs and want to play the role of a hero, getting rid of Angry Mar’hyah would be something you might want to do whether it’s through Ability Checks or killing her.

Scratch will be glad to be back at camp after what has happened and will be available again to summon once everything is over.

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