Findal Location & How to Save Him in Baldur’s Gate 3

If you manage to find yourself exploring the Underground Passage or making your way through after escaping prison or escorting Sazza, you will run into a person named Findal.

Findal appears to have been attacked by Goblins, who you will need to defeat if you are to proceed through the Underground Passage and even save the injured man.

While trying to speak to Findal won’t do much, there is still a way for you to save his life and converse with him afterward.

Findal BG3

Where To Find Findal?

Findal is lying in the Underground Passage in Emerald Grove

Findal can be found lying on the ground in the Underground Passage and will have 1 health point left out of 22 health points.

This makes it important to avoid hitting him with your attacks and spells that deal damage as this can result in his death.

You will be able to find him where the Goblins are as they have recently attacked him and have tried to interrogate him about a weapon that the grove supposedly has.

How To Wake Up Findal?

Attempting to interact with Findal won’t do anything as he is too injured and will remain lying on the ground unless he is healed.

To heal Findal, you can use a spell that restores health or may throw a Potion of Healing at him, but some prefer to not aim for him directly and instead just include him in the splash radius.

It has been mentioned that throwing the Potion of Healing directly at Findal may result in him being killed due to the impact, but this seems to not happen. 

Waking Up Findal with Sazza in Party

If you attempt to heal Findal when Sazza is with your party (Part of the Save The Goblin Sazza quest), Findal will attempt to capture you.

You can pass one of the multiple Ability Checks to let you and Sazza go, and he will quickly run back to the grove afterward.

It is possible to still speak with Findal after this has happened but there won’t be much of a reward unless you have the Folk Hero background. (Rewards you with an Inspiration Point and 25 XP)

Looting Findal

It is possible to lose Findal before you wake him up by healing him, which will allow you to take an item called Key of the Ancients.

This is an item that is the same as the one you can obtain from Nettie if you defeat her or purchase the item directly from her.

The Key to the Ancients allows you to open the entrance through the stonewall in the Enclave Library, allowing you to go to the Underground Passage. (Interact with Stone Slab)


Saving Findal is not necessary in the game but is more of an optional task that you can accomplish that barely yields any results.

You can find the entrance leading to the Enclave Library from the Underground Passage just above where the Goblins attacked Findal.

Stealing the Key of the Ancients from Findal while he is sleeping will not result in any trouble, even if you wake him up afterward.

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