Counsellor Florrick Location & How To Free Her in Baldur’s Gate 3

On your search for a cure to the infection caused by the Mind Flayers placing a tadpole in you may wind up in Waukeen’s Rest in the Risen Road.

Upon reaching this inn, you witness the results of the Goblin attack and several of the people at Waukeen’s Rest need your help.

Inside the building that is being tried by several people will be Counsellor Florrick who is trapped and needs saving.

Counsellor Florrick bg3

Where To Find Counsellor Florrick?

Counsellor Florrick will be on the second floor of the large building that is burning and once you open the Blocked Doors, the others will rush inside.

If you follow them to the second floor, they will head to a room where someone is calling for help and this is where Counsellor Florrick can be found.

Several areas will have fire and you will need to be careful when heading to the second floor or your party may take damage.

How To Save Counsellor Florrick?

Counsellor Florrick trapped in the room

Counsellor Florrick will be trapped in the room and will need your help destroying a Broken Door, which can be done by attacking it.

After you have destroyed the Broken Door, a cutscene will begin where Counsellor Florrick rallies everyone outside.

Following them will result in another cutscene where the Counsellor thanks you before asking you for more help, which is to help rescue the Grand Duke.

Rewards For Saving Counsellor Florrick

If you end up saving Counsellor Florrick and finish speaking to her during the cutscene, you will be able to pick one of the following as a reward:

  • The Sparky Points (Rare Trident)
  • The Joltshooter (Rare Longbow)
  • The Spellsparkler (Rare Quarterstaff)

All of these have the Electric Veins passive, which provides you with 2 Lightning Charges when you deal damage with attacks and spells depending on which weapon is chosen.

Lightning Charges provide you with a bonus to Attack Rolls and deal additional Lightning Damage to your attacks. (5 Charges are consumed if they are stacked and will deal more damage)

Rescue The Grand Duke

Upon entering the building, you will obtain a quest called Rescue the Grand Duke and once you have saved Counsellor Florrick, the quest will progress.

After rescuing the Counsellor, she will ask you for a favor and this is to help in the search for the Grand Duke, who has been captured.

It is believed that the Grand Duke has been taken to the Moonrise Towers and this will be your next destination if you are to help rescue him.


Rescuing Counsellor Florrick is not that difficult as you won’t be fighting any enemies and just need to make it to the Broken Door.

Keep in mind that another person is trapped in the building, who is known as Benryn and you can save him first before returning to the second floor.

Saving Counsellor Floor will provide you with a decent rare weapon that can be utilized by one of your party members during your adventure.

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