How To Save Arabella in Baldur’s Gate 3

Arabella is a Tiefling child who was caught stealing the Idol of Sylvanus and was caught by the druids, who were to later be imprisoned.

During your encounter with the druids and Arabella, things can either go smoothly or depending on what you decide to do.

Upon entering the area where the Tiefling child is being held, you will be able to save her during the cutscene where she has recently been captured.

Arabella in BG3

Obtaining The Save Arabella Quest

The Save Arabella quest can be obtained by first speaking to her parents just before you enter the Sacred Pool where the Ritual of Thorns is being performed.

Her parents can be found just before you enter the grove where the Tieflings have been blocked by a group of druids.

Their names are Komira and Locke, who you may speak to to start the quest but this quest may also be added when you enter the Emerald Grove.

How To Save Arabella?

saving Arabella can be done choosing the correct dialogue

To Save Arabella, you will need to choose the correct dialogue, which can be done with Ability Checks, but should you fail these there is always extra dialogue you can choose.

Choosing “Your snake is prepared to kill this child. Do you want her death in your hands?” will eventually result in them releasing Arabella.

Any dialogue leading to Arabella being imprisoned will have her try to escape, which results in Kagha’s snake biting her, which ends the Tiefling’s life.

Being able to convince the druids to let her go will result in her being released, where she can return to her parents and ensure her survival.

Rewards for Saving Arabella

Saving Arabella will result in her being spared, which later allows you to visit her parents Komira and Lock, who will be grateful for your help.

This later leads to Komira giving you her necklace (Komira’s Locket), which is an Uncommon Necklace that allows you to use the Dancing Lights Evocation Cantrip.

During the events of the quest to Save Arabella, certain dialogue will allow you to gain the approval of some of your companions as well.

What Happens If Arabella Dies?

If Arabella dies during the quest, Halsin will exile Kagha upon returning to the Grove as punishment for her cruel acts while he is gone.

Eventually, Arabella’s parents will have added poison to Kagha’s wine during the celebration party that he held after the Grove is saved.

As Kagha is poisoned, Komira will attempt to execute Kagha, which may either be stopped with a Persuasion Check or ignored.


Kagha may seem to be brutal with her decisions but there is more at work here since her goal is to protect Emerald Grove and this has led to some poor decisions.

You can Save Arabella and prevent her death as well as Kagha’s death later with the right choices, which get you Komira’s Locket.

Saving Arabella and clearing the roads for the Tieflings will allow you to meet Arabella in Act II, where you help her during the Find Arabella’s Parents quest.

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