How To Reset Character Stats in Palworld

Palworld has a lot of features and one of them is the character stats, which allows you to create your build that suits how you play the game.

Being able to allocate stats into Health, Stamina, Attack, Work Speed and Weight allows you to customize how efficient your character is, especially if your clan has roles.

The thing is, sometimes newer players put points in the wrong stats and begin to regret this later but this isn’t something to worry about since you can reset your stats later.

Palworld Character stats

How To Reset Stats?

resetting character stats

To reset your character’s stats, you will need to progress in the game to the point where you reach Level 43 and have Technology Points to spare.

This will allow you to unlock the Electric Medicine Workbench, which is where you will be able to craft Memory Wiping Medicine.

Consuming the Memory Wiping Medicine will reset the stats of your character, allowing you to allocate them once more.

How To Make Memory Wiping Medicine?

Memory wiping machine

Memory Wiping Medicine can be crafted at an Electric Medicine Workbench, which can be unlocked and built once you have reached Level 43.

The Electric Medical Workbench will require electricity before it can be used, which is provided by having a Power Generator (unlocked at Level 26) that is powered by an Electric Pal.

Once you have an Electric Medicine Workbench built and powered, you can queue the Memory Wiping Medicine to be crafted Pal with the Medicine Production Work Suitability.

Only a Pal that has the Medicine Work Suitability can craft at an Electric Medicine Workbench and once you have one in your base, they will do the work for you.

Memory Wiping Medicine Recipe

To craft the Memory Wiping Medicine in an Electric Medicine Workbench, you will need the following materials:

  • 99 Beautiful Flower
  • 50 Horn
  • 50 Bone
  • 50 Pal Fluids

Memory Wiping Medicine Effects

Once you have Memory Wiping Medicine, you may consume it, and this will cause your character’s stat points to be refunded.

All the stats that have been allocated will be removed and you will receive the number of points that your character should have as if they were fresh from leveling up.

Your level will remain the same after using the memory wipe and will be able to reallocate all the points based on what level you were when you used the Memory Wiping Medicine.

An example of this would be that if you were Level 47 and you used Memory Wiping Medicine, you would still be Level 47 with no stats allocated but would have 46 points that may be used.

Using Memory Wiping Medicine will not reset your Technology Menu and anything you have learned will still be unlocked.

Capture Power Bug

During previous patches, using Memory Wiping Medicine would cause your character to lose their upgraded Capture Power that was added with Lifmunk Effigies.

Players reported this issue when it was first discovered but the developers have already worked on it and have fixed the issue.

The Capture Power Bug caused by Memory Wiping Medicine has been fixed as of Patch v0.1.4.0 on February 1, 2024.


Any new player may attempt to focus on certain stats at first in almost any game but later, once they begin to understand the game more, they may have wished they took a different course.

This can be upsetting if you have to make a new character and lose all the progress and the amazing Pals that you have captured and thankfully Memory Wiping Medicine exists.

No matter how many times you may need to redo your stats, all you need to do is create Memory Wiping Medicine and this can be fixed.

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