How To Remove Wanted Level in Palworld

There is a lot for you to do in Palworld but sometimes, not every action is considered to be legal, and this can get the PIDF on your back.

The PIDF, which stands for Palpagos Island Defense Force, is a seemingly infinite group that sees themselves as protectors of the island.

Once you have made an infraction such as Assault or Trespassing, PIDF units will continuously spawn and attack you until you are defeated.

wanted status in Palworld

How To Become Wanted?

There are two main ways for you to become wanted in Palworld, which is either to be caught Trespassing or if you Assault an NPC.

1) Trespassing

Trespassing the area where endangered pals are kept

The Island has 3 Wildlife Sanctuaries surrounding it, which are where endangered Pals are known to be kept and are also locations where specific ones can be found.

These are however off limits and any time that you are caught wandering this area, you will be wanted for Trespassing. (Coming into the range of a PIDF unit will cause this)

You will be caught if you are seen exploring the area, which Is where you will most likely have been opening chests, catching Pals, and more.

2) Assault

fighting with non-hostile NPCs

Another way that you can get into trouble is if you start a fight with non-hostile NPCs, which are often those found in settlements.

Attacking a PIDF unit, merchants or any of the other civilians will cause you to become wanted with an increasing infraction the more you deal damage to them.

Your wanted level will increase with the first attack and will continue to rise after a short cooldown when you attack again.

How To Remove Wanted Level?

summon a flying ride Pal high to get rid of wanted status

You can lose your wanted level by escaping the PIDF units that come for you, and some have even experienced defeating them being a possibility of escaping them.

Sometimes the wanted level increases to the point where the PIDF units will continuously spawn, and this won’t stop until you have gotten out of range.

One of the best ways to get rid of your wanted level is to summon a flying ride Pal as high as possible and wait for the wanted status to go away.

Wanted Level Increase

Every time you commit a crime, your wanted level will increase, and this can stack up multiple times if you continue to do it.

One of the fastest ways that your wanted level will increase is if you continue to fight back against the PIDF units that attack you.

PIDF units will continue to spawn and the higher your wanted level gets, the higher the level of the units will be when they come for you.

Wanted Bug

flying with the ride pal


Some players have concerns with the PIDF units spawning as they will always be on you, and this prevents you from escaping. (Resort to the flying method)

Enemies will continue to spawn wherever you go, which will be in the water, and they will even follow you into caves.

You may even notice them spawning in groups right next to you if you are flying but they won’t attack you and will just continue appearing and disappearing. (Wait it out in the air to get rid of them)


While some players may want to escape and remove their wanted status right away, some tend to enjoy the challenge and may even farm experience by fighting back.

Your wanted level may sometimes not increase, and you may not even get caught if you are riding a Pal. (Aiming with a weapon will allow you to get caught though)

The only way for you to lose your wanted status is to escape the PIDF or if they defeat you but some have experience clearing out the PIDF can work too.

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