How To Recruit Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3

Astarion is one of the Origin Characters in Baldur’s Gate 3 that you may encounter and recruit to be one of your companions in the game.

He is a vampire spawn who was abducted to later be found upon the wreckage of the Nautiloid, who is a bit aggressive during your first encounter.

Astarion is a Rogue that is capable of being sneaky and dishing out damage when he has an advantage, making him quite the asset both when in combat as well as exploring.

Astarion in BG3

Where To Find Astarion?


Astarion can be found near the wreckage of the Nautiloid as he was also onboard since he was abducted like most of the other kidnapped characters.

You can find Astarion later as you explore the crash site by going to the west of the ship where there is a view overlooking the ocean.

Astarion can be seen from a distance when you are in the remains of the ship and may be approached to begin a cutscene where you eventually can recruit him.

How To Recruit Astarion?

Approaching Astarion to help him out

Recruiting Astarion can be done in the first cutscene with him and this begins as you approach him, which results in him asking for your help in destroying one of the Intellect Devourers.

He claims to have trapped one and asks you to kill it, but this is a trick to upper hand against you, eventually putting you into a lock with a blade against your throat.

The cutscene will eventually end up with the two of you connecting due to the Mind Flayer Parasites within both of you and he will later join you after a bit of dialogue.

Astarion Uses

Astarion is a cunning Rogue who can be used to doing most of your sneaky endeavors but can sometimes end up being hated due to his nature as a vampire.

When it comes to stealth, Astarion is a professional who can sneak up on enemies, pickpocket those who are unwary, and even take advantage of stealth attacks.

Sometimes you can avoid fights by getting Astarion to take enemies out due to his cunning and this can also be a good way to initiate fights by getting him to make the first move.

Astarion Romance

Astarion is one of those high and mighty types of people, who loves it when power and dominance are shown over other beings.

This does not mean that you need to be cruel to others though, but he will approve when you use dialogue or act with dominance.

Astarion dislikes it when you show any signs of weakness and sometimes despises it when you are too friendly to others or try to stop him from doing what he likes or needs to do.

Being Bitten by Astarion

During one of the nights as you take a long rest, Astarion will attempt to bite you while you sleep to feed on your blood.

You wake up and may decide what to do with Astarion, which can end with you threatening him or allowing him to feed on you.

Allowing Astarion to feed on you will improve the relationship you have with him, but you will be weakened in the morning. (This effect goes away after a long rest)

Astarion Happy Condition

Astarion receives the Happy Condition after feeding on you, but this doesn’t mean he always has to do this because he can always feed on other humanoids.

While affected by the Happy Condition, Astarion will gain +1 to all Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, and a majority of his Ability Checks.


Astarion is one of the more favored characters in the game due to the way he was created, being an iconic part of the game for most fans.

His attitude and ability go hand in hand, making him a noble turned rogue character with the attitude to match it.

Players can often make use of his stealth to have their way in the game thanks to his ability to do what other characters cannot do skillfully.

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