Baldur’s Gate 3: How To Open the Ornate Chest in Zhentarim Hideout

While exploring the Zhentarim Hideout, you may find a room with an Ornate Chest inside of it, which of course is blocked by an Iron Gate.

There is an Ornate Chest inside of the room (there is another room with an Iron Gate so don’t be confused) that you can access if you get the Iron Gate opened.

You can resort to fighting the Zhentarim or use your stealth to steal what you can inside this room, which includes a Very Rare item within the Ornate Chest.

Zhentarim Hideout  Ornate Chest Room

How To Get Inside the Ornate Chest Room?

1) Use Zhentarim Key

This is not to be confused with the Zhentarim Key that Zarys drops and instead, you get one with the same name from Jarg.

Using the Zhentarim Key from Jarg will allow you to open the Iron Gate to the Ornate Chest Room when you interact with it. (Regardless of which party member has it)

2) Lockpicking The Iron Gate

Another way to get through the Iron Gate is to pick the lock and this can be done if you have Thieves’ Tools on the party member that will pick the gate’s lock.

If you don’t want to go through a fight with the Zhentarim, you can manage to sneak your way around and may eventually pick the lock to gain access to the room.

How To Open the Ornate Chest?

The Ornate Chest can be opened using the Ornate Key, which can be looted or stolen from Vol depending if you fight the Zhentarim or if you sneak around.

Once you have obtained the Ornate Key, you will be able to unlock the Ornate Chest as long as the key is one of your party member’s inventory.

Ornate Chest Contents

Within the Ornate Chest are the Abyss Beckoners (Very Rare Gloves), which provide the Demonspirit Aura.

Demonspirit Aura causes the wearer’s summoned creature to gain resistance to all types of damage except for Psychic Damage.

Additionally, summoned creatures will need to pass a Wisdom Saving Throw, or they will be driven mad, making these gloves more of a gamble.


It is possible to get multiple Zhentarim Keys in the Zhentarim Hideout, making it sometimes confusing which one is used to open each Iron Gate.

Fighting the Zhentarim is sometimes considered the best way to get as much loot as possible and if you want to free Oskar, you can do this before or after dealing with them.

The Abyss Beckoners may seem to have a strange effect but the technique with them is to simply spawn your summoned creature near enemies and be at a distance. (They attack the closest target when they go Mad)

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