How To Open Iron Gate in Shattered Sanctum (Baldur’s Gate 3)

While going around the Shattered Sanctum, you may stumble upon Dror Ragzlin and a group of enemies preparing to speak to a dead Mind Flayer.

If you go around them and head to the upper level, there will be an Iron Gate behind them with what seems to be heaps of treasure locked behind them.

The Iron Gate that blocks the loot that supposedly belongs to Dror Ragzlin can be unlocked in different ways, granting you access to the items within.

Iron Gate in Shattered Sanctum BG3

How To Unlock Iron Gate in Shattered Sanctum?

1) Lockpick Iron Gate

Lockpicking Iron Gate in Shattered Sanctum

One of the easiest ways to open the Iron Gate without getting into a fight is to pick the lock, which can be done if you have Thieves’ Tools on your character.

It would be best to use Astarion for this since he is an expert when it comes to rogue actions, which means he should have the tools in his inventory.

The place is not guarded by any enemies, which makes it easy to pick the lock and leave with the goods to avoid confrontation.

2) Dror Ragzlin’s Key

Using Dror Ragzlin’s Key to open Iron Gate in Shattered Sanctum

If you decide to go ahead and fight Dror Ragzlin, you can loot Dror Ragzlin’s Key off his body when the fight is over.

This however requires that you go through the trouble of fighting the other enemies in the area and a good way to approach this would be to utilize stealth to kill them one by one.

You can always resort to fighting them head-on, but this may be dangerous and may end up getting you and your party killed if you are not ready.

Treasure Crates Contents

Unlocking the Iron Gate will let you head inside to where the Treasure Crates can be found and opening the inventory of this stash will allow you to collect the following:

  • Amulet of Selune’s Chosen (Uncommon Amulet)
  • Infernal Iron
  • Gloves of the Growling Underdog (Uncommon Gloves)
  • Springstep Boots (Rare Boots)
  • 521 Gold
  • Agate
  • Malachite

About Treasure Crates Looted Equipment

Three different pieces of equipment can be found within the Treasure Crates, which can be useful in certain situations and help you improve your builds.

These are the Amulet of Selune’s Chosen, Gloves of the Grownling Underdog, and Springstep Boots, which do the following:

1) Amulet of Selune’s Chosen

This amulet allows you to cast Selune’s Dream once per long rest, which is a cantrip that will heal an ally but has a chance to also put them to sleep.

2) Gloves of the Growling Underdog

These gloves provide its wearer with the Underdog’s Bravery passive feature, which gives its wearer an advantage on melee attack rolls when surrounded by 2 or more foes.

3) Springstep Boots

Wearing the Springstep Boots will provide you with the Swift Strides passive feature, which provides its user with Momentum for 3 turns after performing a dash or similar action.


Opening the Iron Gate is not that difficult since you can always pick the lock, but some prefer to clear out the dungeon eventually for the experience and loot.

The equipment inside of the Treasure Crates can be useful for certain party members, especially when it comes to progressing to more difficult parts of the game.

Not only do you get a large amount of Gold, but the Infernal Iron from the Treasure Crates can also be useful later for manufacturing infernal-touched items.

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