Flind Location & How To Make Her Fight For You in Baldur’s Gate 3

While exploring the Risen Road, you stumble upon two men being attacked by Gnolls and if you decide to help, you will encounter Flind the Gnoll Warlord.

Flind will be fighting alongside Gnolls and Hyenas but since this creature has been infected with a Mind Flayer Parasite, you have the option to make it side with you.

Having Flind as an ally will make the fight against the Gnolls easier or you can send it to handle the men in the cave to make their shipment free to grab.

Flind bg3

Where To Find Flind?

Flind can be found just outside of the cave to the north of the Risen Road, which is straight to the north of the Blighted Village once you cross it.

You will find Flind near the cave where its Gnoll minions are laying siege to the cave where Rugan and Olly are defending themselves.

How To Make Flind Fight For You?

Flind flighting for you with the enemies

To get Flind to side with you against the Gnolls or Rugan and Olly, you will need to get within range so that the Gnolls begin to attack you.

Make sure to not attack Flind and keep one of your characters nearby, which will initiate a cutscene when everyone’s turn is over.

The cutscene involves you realizing that Flind can be connected with and this allows you to use your Illithid Powers to take control of the tadpole within it.

Flind Attack Options

Once you have made a connection with Flind, it will see you as forbidden meat, preventing it from attacking you or your party.

During the conversation, you can choose to send Flind to attack Rugan and Olly in the cave or to set Flind loose against the other Gnolls.

This will turn Flind into an uncontrollable ally that will begin attacking the target that it has been given before it returns to you.

Flind’s Fate

Sending Flind away

Once Flind has done her part with the fight, she will return to you only to appear unsated from the battle, hungering for more flesh.

From here you may decide to command Flind to devour herself (she kills herself), command her to leave, or attack her.

Sending Flind away will have her run to the north, where she disappears after a few seconds of gaining distance from you.


It appears that Flind was a Gnoll Warlord who was captured and later infected with a Mindflayer Parasite, which gives you the chance to take control of her.

It might be a good idea to kill Flind once she has done your bidding as she will have a Mind Flayer Parasite Specimen amongst her loot.

Getting Flind to help you against the other Gnolls is a good way to clear out the enemies in the area faster so that you can save Rugan and Olly.

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