Palworld Wheat Seeds (How to Get, Pals Drop & Uses)

Wheat Seeds are one of the different types of seeds you may find on Palpagos Island that are necessary for building a Wheat Plantation.

These seeds are key to gaining an unlimited supply of Wheat, which is later used to make an important ingredient that you will need for cooking.

While the description for Wheat Seeds indicates that they can be purchased from merchants, this isn’t the only way for you to obtain this material.

Wheat Seeds Material in Palworld

How To Get Wheat Seeds?

1) Defeating Pals

Killing Cinnamoth Pal on Palpagos Island to drop Wheat seeds

There are certain Pals that you will encounter as you continue to explore Palpagos Island and some of them have a chance to drop Wheat Seeds when defeated.

Among the earliest Pals that you encounter will be Cinnamoth and Bristla, which can easily be defeated once you are around Level 15 – 20 and have reached the Moonless Shore.

Not all Pals have a guaranteed chance of dropping Wheat Seeds, which makes it necessary to hunt a few if you want to get enough to build a Wheat Plantation.

2) Purchasing Wheat Seeds From Wandering Merchant

Purchasing wheat seeds

You can purchase Wheat Seeds from a Wandering Merchant, which is a good way to get them early on in the game if you can’t find or defeat Pals that drop them.

These will cost you 100 Gold a piece, which gives you a total of 300 Gold if you want enough Wheat Seeds to build a Wheat Plantation.

Wandering Merchants also sell Wheat for the same price but it is much better to purchase Wheat Seeds to have an unlimited supply later. (Earliest Wandering Merchant can be found at Little Settlement)

Pals That Drop Wheat Seeds

  • Bristla (1-2 100%)
  • Cinnamoth (1 100%)
  • Dinossom (1-2 50%)
  • Flopit (1 100%)
  • Robinquill (1-2 50%)
  • Robinquill Terra (1-2 50%)

Wheat Seeds Uses

Wheat Seeds are used to build a Wheat Plantation, which requires you to have 3 Wheat Seeds for each one along with other materials that are required.

These plantations are built in your base and maintained by Pals most of the time to provide you with a steady supply of Wheat.

Wheat is later used to create Flour, which is an important item required for making various types of food for you and your Pals to consume.


Wheat Seeds are often needed once you reach Level 15 since this is when you can start growing the ingredient at your base.

Upon reaching Level 15, you will be able to unlock the Wheat Plantation and Mill in your technology menu, leaving Wheat as the next ingredient to get.

It is ideal to have at least one Wheat Farm at any base to ensure you have a good supply of Wheat for making Flour, which is produced at a Mill.

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