How To Get Rid of Poison Clouds in Baldur’s Gate 3

There are a ton of different traps that you may encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3 and one of them are vents that release Poison Clouds.

These can be found in certain areas that you may explore and may end up giving you problems if you don’t take care of them sooner or later.

Luckily, these traps can be dealt with using the right techniques, which will allow your characters to safely travel without getting poisoned.

Poison Clouds BG3

What Do Poison Clouds Do?

character in the image shows that it's affected by the Poison Clouds

If you step into an area where there are Poison Clouds, a Saving Throw will be performed which will either allow you to resist the cloud if successful or become poison if it fails.

Failing the Saving Throw will cause the character within the Poison Cloud to be affected by the Poisoned condition.

Those who are affected by the Poisoned condition will suffer from a disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Ability Checks.

A character that is Poisoned will have the condition shown near their portrait and will show signs by being covered in a green substance while they appear weakened.

How to Remove Poison Cloud?

removing poison clouds by dismantling the vent caused by the poison clouds

Removing a Poison Cloud can be done in multiple ways, which is either to dismantle the vent that is releasing the Poison Cloud or to block it.

You can block a vent by throwing pretty much any object on it, which may include weapons, armor, books, and other items. (Standing on a vent will also block it)

A blocked vent will no longer release the Poison Cloud, which will eventually remove it from the area until the vent is no longer blocked.

Having a character disarm the vent will also stop the Poison Cloud but they may be affected by its poison along the way. (Blocking the vent first before disarming it works well)


Poison Clouds are quite harmless if there are no enemies around, but they can sometimes be annoying, and their effects can give you issues if you are surprised by an enemy.

If a battle lies ahead, it would be best to get rid of the Poison Clouds by blocking the vents or disarming these traps before engaging your enemies.

During a fight, it is possible to disarm traps when you have an available turn but sometimes a single turn can change the outcome of a fight, which makes it best to plan your moves carefully.

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