How To Get Plasteel in Palworld

Plasteel is one of the endgame materials that you will need once you reach Level 50 and continue to progress in the game.

This is one of the more valuable resources that must be created via an Electrical Furnace but this requires you to have a good supply of Crude Oil.

Having a steady supply of Plasteel will allow you to craft better armor and weapons as well as the ammunition needed for certain advanced firearms.

Plasteel in Palworld

Plasteel created by processing Crude Oil and metal.

Can be produced in an Electric Furnace.

How To Get Plasteel? (Crafting Plasteel at Electric Furnace)

Using Electric Furnace to craft Plasteel

Plasteel can only be crafted in an Electric Furnace (Requires Electricity from a Power Generator or Large Power Generator) and needs to be processed by a Fire Pal.

The higher the level of Kindling your Fire Pal has, the faster it will be able to produce Plasteel at an Electric Furnace.

The following items are required to craft Plasteel:

Before you can craft Plasteel at an Electric Furnace, you will need to unlock it in the Technology Menu once you have reached Level 50.

Uses of Plasteel

List of items require Plasteel for crafting

Upon reaching Level 50, the majority of the Technology that can be unlocked will require Plasteel, which brings you into the endgame tier. (Based on Sakurajima Update)

Plasteel is required for crafting several of the newly added equipment, which is meant to help you become more efficient when fighting enemies at higher levels.

The following items require Plasteel:

  • Blazamut Ryu Saddle
  • Cold Resistant Plasteel Armor
  • Flamethrower
  • Gatling Gun
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Guided Missile Launcher
  • Heat Resistant Plasteel Armor
  • Helzephyr Lux Saddle
  • Laser Rifle
  • Lightweight Plasteel Armor
  • Multi Guided Missile Launcher
  • Plasteel Armor
  • Plasteel Helmet
  • Selyne Saddle
  • Ultimate Sphere
  • Ultra Shield


While Plasteel will take some preparation to make, you can get a steady supply by ensuring you have a way to get all the materials required to craft it.

This can sometimes be split up into multiple bases or you may have everything done in a single base to get all the materials that will be processed into it.

Once you start to craft items with Plasteel, you are bound to be able to take on the tougher challenges in the game that follow after reaching Level 50.

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