Palworld Crude Oil (How to Get, Location & Uses)

Crude Oil is a material that was added when the Sakurajima Update was introduced and is now one of the late-game materials needed for crafting certain items.

This material is essential for crafting ammunition for certain late-game weapons and is required to make the valuable Plasteel ingots used for better equipment.

The main method for obtaining Crude Oil would be to build an extractor but there are other ways for you to farm this material when this is not yet available.

Crude Oil in Palworld

A material that can be processed into various products.

Obtained by installing a Crude Oil Extractor in an oil field.

How To Get Crude Oil?

1) Defeating or Capturing Specific Pals

Killing Pals to drop Crude Oil

The Sakurajima Update may have introduced new Pals but this doesn’t mean they are the only ones that you can hunt down to get Crude Oil.

There are multiple Pals that you can capture or defeat, which will provide you with a good chance to get Crude Oil from them.

The following are Pals that drop Crude Oil:

  • Kikit
  • Maraith
  • Menasting Terra
  • Alpha Menasting Terra
  • Sootseer

2) Looting Supply Drops

A Container dropped from the Sky during the Supply Drop Events. Inside the container can get the good amount of Crude Oil

Supply Drop Events will occur from time to time and when this happens, a container will drop from the sky and its location will be marked on your map.

Making your way to the Supply Drop may result in you having to fight off a few enemies but afterward, you can loot its contents.

Opening a Supply Drop will allow you to take several items from its inventory and this will often include a good amount of Crude Oil.

3) Crude Oil Extractor

Getting Crude Oil from Crude Oil Extractor

Crude Oil Extractors are a new structure added with the Sakurajima Updated and may be used to produce Crude Oil over time.

This structure may be unlocked once you reach Level 50 and may be crafted using Pal Metal Ingots and Circuit Boards.

The only downside is that you will need a larger supply of power (Large Power Generator) that can efficiently power the Crude Oil Extractor.

Using regular Power Generators may be insufficient and will require more than one to keep power in a base with a Crude Oil Extractor and other structures that require electricity.

Items Require Crude Oil

Plasteel Item required Crude Oil for making it

Crude Oil is required for making several items that are later unlocked after you have progressed further in the game, which mainly include Plasteel and Ammunition.

The following items require Crude Oil:

  • Plasteel
  • Flamethrower Fuel
  • Frag Grenade Mk2
  • Missile Ammo

Crude Oil Locations

1) Sakurajima Island

Crude Oil Field Locations on Sakurajima Island

There are several Oil Fields that can be found on Sakurajima Island and the majority of these are in flat areas that consist of dirt. (perfect for base building) 

You will find several of these areas that have a pair of Oil Fields within Dancing Sakura Shrine and the Mushroom Wetlands.

A couple more pairs of Oil Fields may be found in the northern part of Sakurajima Island when you explore the Northern Rock Field. (This is a list of just the majority of the Crude Oil Field locations)

Mushroom Wetlands Crude Oil Field Locations

  • -377, 126
  • -374,124
  • -431,162
  • -437, 169
  • -492, 109
  • -494, 108
  • -512, 170
  • -512, 178
  • -555, 187
  • -558, 194
  • -543, 243
  • -542, 244

Dancing Sakura Shrine Crude Oil Fields

  • -583, 248
  • -586, 245
  • -643, 269
  • -645, 271

Northern Rock Field Crude Oil Fields

  • -522, 298
  • -521, 295
  • -657, 322
  • -654, 324

2) Astral Mountains

Crude Oil Field Locations on Astral Mountains

Most of the Oil Fields in the Astral Mountains can be found around the western part of the area, which has good spaces for building bases.

Unlike in Sakurajima, the Oil Fields are further away from each other, making it more suitable to have a base on Sakurajima Island.

  • -336, 278
  • -370, 331
  • -390, 352
  • -405, 363
  • -413, 395
  • -214, 618

3) Dessicated Desert

Crude Oil Field locations on Dessicated Desert

A lot of Oil Fields can be found in the Dessicated Desert and some of these are close to each other, which can be a good way to have more in one base.

Be careful when exploring this region as you may suffer from too much heat, which is best fixed with a heat resistance shirt or certain heat resistant armor.

  • 350, 190
  • 504, 127
  • 589, 155
  • 639, 152
  • 638, 158
  • 515, 414
  • 490, 478
  • 394, 243
  • 305, 285
  • 252, 285
  • 317, 485
  • 321, 476
  • 390, 495
  • 395, 518
  • 420, 499
  • 532, 570
  • 408, 693
  • 379, 693
  • 332, 615
  • 288, 609
  • 289, 619
  • 281, 628
  • 288, 619

4) Mount Obsidian

Crude Oil field locations on Mount Obsidian

Mount Obsidian has a good number of places where you can build a Crude Oil Extractor but you might need to watch out for the heat.

Certain spots in this area may also include valuable materials such as Ore, Sulfur and more depending on where you travel.

  • -498, -223
  • -562, -199
  • -607, -208
  • -616, -280
  • -652, -241
  • -686, -211
  • -322, -534
  • -371, -671
  • -375, -671
  • -493, -656
  • -602, -722
  • -657, -730
  • -661, -753
  • -712, -733
  • -791, -659


Crude Oil is a valuable material when it comes to the later parts of Palworld, especially since it is used to make Plasteel.

Plasteel later becomes vital for crafting the newer equipment that you will be using and since a lot of Plasteel is needed, you will need a good supply of Crude Oil.

The best way to generate a lot of Crude Oil is to make sure you have a Crude Oil Extractor powered by a Large Power Generator and allow it to produce the material while you are out exploring.

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