How To Escape Goblin Camp in BG3

While progressing through the main story of Baldur’s Gate 3, you will eventually make your way to the Goblin Camp to enter the Shattered Sanctum.

Those who go against the Goblin Leaders will often end up fighting them inside of the Shattered Sanctum and upon exiting, all the enemies in the camp will become hostile.

This leads to facing the enemies that were previously partying outside and can often end with your party being wiped out but there are other ways to escape.

Goblin Camp in bg3

How To Escape Goblin Camp?

1) Teleport To Waypoint

Teleporting to waypoints that were unlocked

Instead of rushing outside after clearing the Goblin Leaders or stirring up some trouble, you can always teleport to any waypoint that you have unlocked.

This can be done by opening your map and selecting one of the locations that have been unlocked, which will allow you to teleport there.

Teleporting is the easiest way to escape the Goblin Camp as you won’t have to fight through any enemies and eventually, you can come back to clear the rest when you are ready.

2) Collapsed Corridor

Collapsed Corridor in the Goblin camp

Whether you have gone through the main entrance or found a weakened wall above the Goblin Camp, destroying the wall reveals a Collapsed Corridor.

This can be used to get out of the Goblin Camp to avoid running into enemies that were previously celebrating.

If you have cleared the area above the Goblin Camp in advance with the use of stealth, this will be an easy way to avoid the rest of the enemies outside.

3) Walk Out (If Allied with Minthara)

Should you find yourself siding with Minthara (or if you plan to betray her later), you won’t have any trouble walking your way out of the camp.

This is because Minthara will believe that you will join her in raiding the grove but if you end up attacking anyone inside the Shattered Sanctum, you may get in trouble.

It is possible to walk out of the Shattered Sanctum after speaking to Minthara, making the enemies in the camp still friendly towards you unless attacked.

4) Fight Your Way Out

The last resort to getting out of the Goblin Camp would be to fight your way out and some players end up attempting this their first time around.

What makes this difficult is the ogre standing outside of the gate and the many enemies surrounding the area, giving you a disadvantage.

It is best to only try to fight the enemies if some have been cleared in advance or if your party is strong enough to fight them.

Notable Events

Before making your way into the Shattered Sanctum and progressing with the story, it is advisable to take note of certain events in the Goblin Camp.

This is Saving Volo, which is started by speaking to him during his performance as this leads to him being brought into the Shattered Sanctum to be imprisoned. (You break him out)

Another is the Owlbear Cub, which can be freed by speaking to its goblin captor later after its mother has been killed. (The cub is being used for a chicken-chasing game)


The Goblin Camp has several enemies, and these are not only limited to goblins, which makes the fight tougher than normal.

Before progressing with defeating the Goblin Leaders, it is best to do as much as you can in the Goblin Camp while enemies are not yet hostile.

Teleporting your way out is the fastest way for you to escape and you can later return to clear them unless the Goblins have joined the battle at the grove.

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