How to Build Breeding Farm & Breed Pals in Palworld

Breeding is a feature in Palworld that allows you to combine two species (the same or different) of Pals to produce an egg.

All Pals come from eggs, which means that you can breed to get a specific Pal with two of the same type or get a whole new Pal by breeding two different Pals.

This also gives you the chance to have Pals that hatch inherit stats from their parents, allowing you to make better variants.

Egg laid by the pals after breeding in Palworld


How To Build a Breeding Farm?

Breeding Farm building in Palworld

You can unlock the Breeding Farm once you have reached Level 19 and may craft it to start breeding Pals but this requires that you meet all the requirements.

To build a Breeding Farm, you will need 100 Wood, 20 Stone, and 50 Fiber, which is very cheap even for players who have just started.

Players will need to have at least one male and one female Pal to begin breeding as well as have a supply of Cake for each egg that is to be laid.

How To Breed Pals?

Assigning pals to bred to the breeding farm

To start breeding, you will need to assign the Pals that you want bred to the Breeding Farm before the two prepare to make an egg.

This can be done by picking up the Pals you want to breed (after they are assigned to your base) and tossing them at the Breeding Farm.

There will be a meter that will be filled when the two Pals are breeding and once this is done, they can produce an egg as long as there is Cake in the Breeding Farm’s storage.

placing cake inside the right structure of the breeding farm's storage

The Breeding Farm’s storage can be found on the right side of the structure and once you place a Cake inside of it, an egg may be laid by the parents.

Even if the breeding meter is full, having no Cakes will keep the meter full until a Cake is placed to make an egg spawn from the parents.

Storing multiple Cakes in the Breeding Farm’s storage will allow the breeding pair to continuously lay eggs until there are no more left.

Breeding Alpha Pals

Breeding Alpha Pal

When you are trying to breed certain Pals, there is a chance that an Alpha Pal may be bred and this seems to only have been noticed around the Sakurajima Update. (By us at least)

It turns out that when you are breeding your Pals, a larger variant of the same egg type may be produced by the same Pals.

The larger egg will be an Alpha Variant of the Pal that you are breeding and will also have a chance to carry over its parent’s Passive Skills. (This happens with normal breeding too)

Guaranteed Breeding Combinations

The breeding features of Palworld have many combinations and it is impossible to list everything perfectly, which makes it better to stick with breeding the same species or guaranteed ones.

Below is a list of breeding results that you can get with specific Pals, which can also be a way to get powerful Pals early in the game.

The following pairs can be bred to get specific results:

How To Hatch Eggs?

hatching eggs in Palworld

Once an egg has been laid, you may pick it up at the Breeding Farm and may now proceed with hatching it into a Level 1 Pal.

This Pal depends on the parents and will always be hatched at Level 1 but before you can do this, you will need to build an Egg Incubator.

Pal Eggs need to be placed into an Egg Incubator, where a timer will begin to countdown and the egg will be ready once it reaches zero.


Breeding Pals is a great way to get random variants as well as some that you have already captured as this will add to your capture bonus for that Pal.

It is possible to get Pals that you have not yet caught, which is a good way to get them instead of going through the difficulty of catching them out in the open.

Some Pals that are difficult to capture in the wild can easily be bred, allowing you to get them at an earlier level so that you have strong starting Pals in the game.

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