How To Access Zhentarim Secret Shop of Brem Merchant in Baldur’s Gate 3

When you reach the Zhentarim Hideout, you will encounter an NPC named Brem, who acts as the merchant in the hideout.

This man will have a few items for sale but upon exiting his shop, he will mention that there is more that he can offer but this requires you to get on Zarys’ good side.

It turns out that Brem is holding back and once Zarys gives the go signal, Brem will have more items that he can sell to you.

Brem bg3

Where To Find Brem?

Brem can be found in the Zhentarim Hideout, which is accessible through the storehouse found in Waukeen’s Rest.

Another way to the Zhentarim Hideout would be through the Underdark but making your way from the Risen Road to the Zhentarim Hideout would be much easier.

How To Unlock Zhentarim Secret Shop?

Brem mentions that it is up to Zarys to give him permission to sell you better goods, which will happen if you help with a shipment.

The shipment is in the hands of Rugan and Olly, who are cut off by a group of Gnolls in a cave that is near Waukeen’s Rest.

If you help the two men out by defeating the Gnolls, they will continue to make their shipment to the Zhentarim Basement.

Making your way to the Zhentarim Basement will result in them recognizing you and Zarys will be happy with what you have done.

This results in Zarys not only giving you a Rare Heavy Crossbow (Harold), but she will also have Brem sell you more items.

Brem’s Secret Items For Sale

Brem will sell you several items and if some of these do not appear, a Long Rest will change what he has in stock.

  • Dagger +1 (Uncommon Dagger)
  • Flail +1 (Uncommon Flail)
  • Giantbreaker (rare Heavy Crossbow) – The weapon hits hard enough to send your target Reeling for 2 turns
  • Longbow +1 (Uncommon Longbow)
  • Rupturing Blade (Uncommon Rapier)
  • Titanstring Bow (Rare Longbow) – Deals additional damage equal to your Strength modifier
  • War Pick +1 (Uncommon War Pick)
  • Chain Mail +1 (Uncommon Heavy Armour)
  • Chain Shirt +2 (Rare Medium Armor)
  • Hide Armor + 2 (Rare Medium Armor)
  • Leather Armor +1 (Uncommon Light Armor)
  • Padded Armor +2 (Rare Light Armor)
  • Ring Mail Armor +2 (Rare Heavy Armor)
  • Scale Mail +1 (Uncommon Medium Armor)
  • The Jolty Vest (Rare Medium Armor) – Taking damage while you have Lightning Charges has a chance to shock your attacker
  • Gloves of Hail of Thorns (Uncommon Gloves) – Allow you to cast Hail of Thorns spell
  • Gloves of Thievery (Uncommon Gloves) – Advantage on Sleigh to Hand Checks
  • Battle Axe +1 (Uncommon Battleaxe)
  • Greataxe +1 (Uncommon Greataxe)
  • Greatsword +1 (Uncommon Greatsword)
  • Doom Axe (Uncommon Greateaxe) – Each hit fills target with chilling dread, preventing them from regaining hit points and also gives Undead creatures a disadvantage on attack rolls
  • Maul +1 (Uncommon Maul)
  • Pike +1 (Uncommon Pike)
  • Rapier +1 (Uncommon Rapier)
  • Studded Leather Armour +1 (Uncommed Light Armor)
  • The Whispering Promise (Uncommon Ring) – Healing a target provides it with a +1d4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws for 2 turns.


Unlocking the secret shop in the Zhentarim Hideout is a huge bonus to players who are looking for better gear for their party.

Some of the items go well with other equipment that you currently have such as The Jolty Vest, which goes well with rewards you get from Counsellor Florrick.

You may most likely encounter Rugan and Olly on your way to Waukeen’s Rest, which makes it important to help them out once you do.

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