How to Open Heavy Chest in The Underground Passage (Baldur’s Gate 3)

If you happen to find yourself exploring or making your way through the Underground Passage, you might encounter a Heavy Chest.

This heavy chest can be found in a dark area within the Underground Passage and has loot that will be useful for certain characters.

Eventually, you might find yourself in front of the Heavy Chest and may wonder how it can be opened, and this can be done in multiple ways.

Open Heavy Chest BG3

Heavy Chest Location

The Heavy Chest in the Underground Passage can be found as you make your way to the other exit, and you can easily climb up to it.

You will notice a path leading to a dark part of the Underground Pass and if you check the area or use a character with Darkvision, you will be able to spot the chest easily.

How To Unlock Heavy Chest?

1) Disarm Trap

The first thing you will want to do is to disarm the trap on the chest as this will cause the chest to trigger an explosion.

There will also be Oil Barrels nearby, which will add more to the explosion and may end up killing your character/s in an instant.

The trap may be disabled before or after you have unlocked the chest since the explosion only occurs if you open it to view its contents.

2) Obtain Charred Key

The best and guaranteed way of opening the chest would be to obtain the Charred Key, which can be looted inside the Underpass.

Once you have the Charred Key, you will be able to unlock the Heavy Chest without the need to pass any Ability Checks but may still have to deal with the trap before opening it.

You can loot the Charred key on the body of a Dead Human, who can be reached by jumping across a gap with a rune across it.

3) Lockpick Heavy Chest

The Heavy Chest in the Underground Passage may be unlocked by Lockpicking it and this will require that you have Thieves’ Tools with you.

If you have Thieves’ Tools with you, it would be a good idea to use Astarion due to the bonuses that he has if he is at your party.

A Dexterity Check will need to be passed to successfully pick the lock, which might make it necessary to quicksave before you attempt.

How To Get Charred Key?

Charred Key to open Heavy Chest

The Charred Key can be found across the gap from where you fight the Goblins and may easily be spotted thanks to a nearby rune. (Rune of the Wolf)

You can jump directly down to the body but may take damage or can go around and jump across as there is a safer path that leads to it.

Keep in mind that there are Guardian Statues nearby, which makes it important to disable the runes in the area to disable them.

Turning on Turn-Based Mode is a good way of giving yourself time to deactivate the Rune of the Wolf to avoid getting killed by the Guardian Statues.

Heavy Chest Contents

Contents of Heavy Chest

Once you have disarmed the trap and have unlocked the Heavy Chest via lockpicking or using the Charred Key, you may obtain the following items:

  • Nature’s Snare (Uncommon Staff)
  • 18 Gold
  • Potion of Healing


Using Turn-Based Mode is a great way to avoid taking damage from the Guardian Statues, allowing you to deactivate them without having to time everything quickly.

Nature’s Snare is an Uncommon Staff that gives you a chance to ensnare enemies if the target is not a plant or beast.

It is possible to pick up the Heavy Chest and send it to your camp to unlock later if your character has the strength to carry it.

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