How To Heal Your Character in Palworld

Combat is one of the main features in Palworld as you will need to fight enemies that you encounter and attack Pals before you can capture them.

One thing that you need to watch in battle is your health as this will continuously go down as you take on more damage from your enemies.

If you fail to watch out for yourself or your Pal, getting killed is most likely to happen but before anything like this occurs, you can always recover your health.

Healing a character in Palworld

How To Heal Your Character?

While there are no items that can instantly restore your health, you can always resort to two of the methods to recover your health.

1) Sleeping

Sleeping in a bed is the fastest way to heal your character, which will allow you to recover your health as your character rests.

This will result in your health being restored the next day but to do this, you must have a bed built in your base and will need to interact with it.

2) Eating Food

When your health has been reduced, it will slowly regenerate, but this will be slow if your character is hungry, which makes it important to eat food.

Once your character is not weakened by hunger, they will be able to recover health slowly as long as they have not taken any damage recently.

3) Pal Abilities

Certain Pals can heal your character and depending on the ability, you can instantly heal or may need to wait or even attack enemies.

The following are Pals that can help you heal:

  • Teafant – Soothing Shower
  • Petallia – Blessings of the Flower Spirit
  • Felbat – Life Steal
  • Lovander – Heart Drain
  • Lyleen – Harvest Goddess
  • Lyleen Noct – Goddess of the Tranquil Light

How To Heal Pals?

Healing Pals is done in the same manner as you would heal yourself, which is to make sure that they are well-fed and do not starve.

This will allow them to heal over time and if you have an active Pal that has been summoned, you can call them back into their Pal Sphere so they can safely heal.

If your Pals fail to recover health when it is low and take fatal damage, they will be down for the count and will need to be revived.

Recovery Medicine

Healing your character with the Recovery Meds in Palworld

The Sakurajima Update provided a lot of new features to the game and this now includes ways for you to heal your character with the Recovery Meds. (Crafted using Cavern Mushrooms and more)

These are pretty much the same thing as Healing Potions that you would have in other games and they may be used to heal both your character as well as your Pals.

These can be used by opening your Inventory and selecting the Recovery Meds to be used, which then allows you to pick who to use it on. (You can choose yourself or any Pal in the team)

How To Revive Pals?

healing an incapacitated Pal in Palworld

If your Pals have been incapacitated, this means that they have suffered too much and will not be able to recover on their own anymore.

To heal an incapacitated Pal, you will need to bring it back to your base and place it inside a Palbox, where it will go through a revival.

A Pal that is placed inside of a Palbox will revive within 10 minutes after being placed but until then, you won’t be able to do anything with it.


Fights can sometimes get extremely intense to the point where you don’t notice how much damage you or your Pals are taking and getting killed can happen often.

A good way to prevent your Pals from getting killed is to recall them when they are about to get incapacitated or if you know they are about to get hit hard.

When your health is low, it is best to take cover and avoid taking any more damage until your health has recovered to at least half, especially when you are carrying a lot of loot.

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