How To Get & Remove Loviatar’s Love in Baldur’s Gate 3

Different events may occur in Baldur’s Gate 3 that can permanently affect your character, one of them is going through a bit of torture when you run into Abdirak.

Abdirak is a follower of Loviatar and seems to be devout to expressing pain in a masochistic manner, which you can join up in.

While this can end up getting your character beaten nearly to the point of death, you gain a boon soon after that will remain with your character.

the character was beaten to death by Abdirak

What is the Loviatar’s Love Condition?

Loviatar’s Love is a condition where it is believed that pain is the path to clarity, which will provide you with a few bonuses when your health is below 30% of its maximum.

This will provide you with +2 to Attack Rolls and Wisdom Saving Throws for 3 turns when it is triggered, giving you a slight bonus when your health has been greatly reduced.

This doesn’t mean that you need to be running around while almost on the brink of death but instead, you can gain these bonuses in certain situations.

How To Get Loviatar’s Love Condition?

speaking with Abdirak

To get the Loviatar’s Love conditions, you will need to speak with Abdirak and participate in his little torture ritual, which you will of course need to survive.

As you are being tortured by Abdirak via the Agony’s Caress attack, you will need to respond with cries of pain as if you can no longer take the beating.

After each cast of Agony’s Curse, you will need to respond with Performance Checks to make sure you play along with Abdirak, which will reward you with the buff later.

Where To Find Abdirak?

Abdirak location map

You can find Abdirak in the eastern part of the Shattered Sanctum in the Bloodied Shrine, which can be found next to the area where a man named Liam is being tortured.

There should be no trouble heading to his location if you have not gotten into a fight with any of the other Goblins past the entrance guards.

How To Remove Loviatar’s Love?

There is no way to remove Loviatar’s Love manually except for dying, which means not getting knocked down but dying.

You can of course revive your character later with a Scroll of Revivify or spell if your companions can cast one.

Reacquiring Loviatar’s Love will not be possible if you die accidentally, and you may want to reload your latest save to make sure you don’t lose it.


Loviatar’s Love is a useful bonus you can get, and it does not have any negative effects on your character, making it good to obtain early in the game.

Abdirak will not be hostile to you when you first enter the Shattered Sanctum, which makes it best to interact with him before you get violent with the goblins.

Once the goblins are hostile towards you, Abdirak will no longer be friendly towards you, and you will no longer be able to go through with his ritual.

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