How To Buy & Sell Pals In Palworld

Pals can sometimes fill up your Palbox quickly and to get rid of the ones you don’t need without butchering them, you can sell them off for some Gold.

This requires you to locate a Pal Merchant, who sells Pals and buys them off of you for a certain price depending on what Pal is being sold or purchased.

After a little exploring, you will eventually stumble upon a Pal Merchant and once you find them, you can easily get rid of your unwanted Pals.

Selling Pals in Palworld that doesn't require in the game

Where To Sell Pals?Small settlement is where you can find Pal Merchants to sell Pals

Pals can be sold to Pal Merchants and the earliest one you will find is at a small settlement west of the area where you start.

One of the best things about it is that you can activate the Great Eagle Statue at the settlement, which allows you to quickly go back and forth to sell or buy things.

Just make sure you be careful as doing anything hostile at a settlement can get you in trouble, which is something you want to avoid.

How To Sell Pals?Buy and selling Pals inventory

Once you find a Pal Merchant, interact with him to open the dialogue, which allows you to choose if you will be buying or selling Pals.

When you select to sell Pals, you will see the Pals in your Party as well as in your Palbox, which you may now choose from. (You cannot select Pals from your Party)

Select the Pals that you want to sell, and you will see how much you will get for them when you are ready, select Sell to complete the transaction. (A confirmation box will appear)

How To Buy Pals?

Purchasing Pals is like selling them but in this case, you will only be able to choose from 5 random Pals that change now and then.

After choosing to buy Pals, the Buy Menu will appear, and you will be able to see which Pals are available for purchase.

These will be a bit pricey though but if you are lucky enough to find a Pal that you have not caught or one that you want, you can go ahead and buy it for Gold. (You can see their stats too)

Pal Prices

The price for each Pal may vary even if you are selling one of the same species since certain factors may affect the price.

This can be the level, stats, abilities, and more when you are selling but when it comes to buying, you can expect even the worst Pals to cost a lot.

Some Pals will be cheap but most of the time you will be seeing Pals that can range from 1000 Gold up to 10,000 or more depending on their rarity.


Selling Pals is a great way to free up more space in your Palbox and it’s best to just sell off the ones you don’t need so they don’t take up space.

You will often find yourself needing to get rid of Pals that have bad stats, which would be best since eventually, you will want the more useful variants of a species.

While selling Pals is one way to get rid of them, another way to remove them would be to butcher them with the use of a Meat Cleaver.

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