Blazehowl Noct (Location, Breeding, Drops, Uses & Work)

Blazehown Noct is a special variant of the original Blazehowl, featuring a combination of both Fire and Dark attacks that it can utilize against certain enemies.

Having similar abilities to Blazehowl, this Fire and Dark Pal is often considered a better choice due to its ability to work even at night as well as the combination of two elements.

When targeting Neutral Pals, Blazehowl Noct has the advantage and any other Pal is sure to take a lot of damage or burn when attacked by this beast.

Blazehowl Noct Pal

Blazehowl Noct Location

Blazehowl Noct Pal location map

Unlike the original Blazehowl, you will only be able to find Blazehowl Noct during the night as they tend to disappear when morning comes.

Additionally, you can always breed a Blazehowl Noct at your base but this will have you starting with a Level 1 of this variant instead of one that has already gained levels.

How To Breed Blazehowl Noct?

Blazehowl Noct can be bred by assigning a Blazehowl along with a Felbat to a Breeding Farm that you have built in your base.

The two of these Pals will produce an egg that will hatch, resulting in a Level 1 Blazehowl Noct that you may now add to your party and level up.

Blazehowl Noct Uses

With a Blazehown Noct on your team, you can utilize both Fire and Dark Attacks to deal damage to your enemies.

When it comes to fire Neutral Pals, having a Blazehowl Noct fighting alongside you will increase the amount of drops you get from defeating it.

Additionally, This Fire and Dark Pal can be a good mount to have with you as it will protect you from the cold when exploring or continuously working at your base even during the night.

Partner Skill

Blazehowl Noct has the Darkflame Lion Partner Skill which allows you to ride it into battle or while you are exploring the island.

Defeating Neutral Pals with Blazehowl Noct will cause them to drop more items, similar to how its original would work for Grass Pals.

Being a Pal that can force more loot out of Neutral Pals, this allows you to quickly ride around when hunting them to easily get materials you need.

Work Suitability

This Fire and Dark Pal has the same Work Suitability Skills as its original, making good at getting Wood or providing a base with fire.

  • Kindling (Level 3)
  • Lumbering (Level 2)

Possible Drops

Blazehowl Noct Drops

  • Flame Organ

Alpha Blazehowl Noct Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Flame Organ
  • Precious Claw
  • Ring of Dark Resistance +1


Blazehowl Noct is a great mount for exploring as well as farming items from Neutral Pals, which can easily be done by roaming it while attacking your targets for their loot.

With a higher level of Kindling, Blazehowl is capable of smelting Ore and cooking food faster, which is a good way to speed up the production of items at your base.

Blazehowl Noct is active during the night since it is a nocturnal variant, which will have it continuously working while the other Pals in your base are resting.

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