Palworld Tanzee (Location, Drops, Uses, Work & Partner Skill)

When it comes to useful Grass Pals, Tanzee is one that you don’t want to miss as these little green buddies have a lot to offer at any base.

Not only are these Pals great workers, but they can also be added to your parts to summon them into battle.

While Tanzee may appear to be another simple Pal that doesn’t pose much of a threat, this little monkey has a trick up its sleeve.

Tanzee pal

Tanzee Location

  • Marsh Island
  • Windswept Hills
  • Sea Breeze Archipelago
  • Ice Wind Island

Tanzee Uses

Tanzee is a great Grass Pal to have around your base as it has several Work Suitability Skills that allow it to tackle multiple tasks.

One of the best uses for Tanzee is to simply assign it to your base and it will do everything on its own, which often includes planting, gathering, crafting, transporting, and more.

This Grass Pal can also cause mayhem when you use its Partner Skill, which mainly equips it with an Assault Rifle so it can shoot your enemies.

Partner Skill

Tanzee’s Partner Skill is called Cheery Rifle and upon activating this skill, Tanzee will pull out an Assault Rifle that it will use against your enemies.

When equipped with the Assault Rifle, Tanzee will automatically shoot the nearest targets or ones that you are attacking in short bursts.

This makes it possible for you to deal additional damage without having to carry Tanzee, giving you the ability to kite enemies while fighting alongside Tanzee.

Work Suitability

Tanzee is a great worker for any base due to its multiple Work Suitability Skills, which also makes it a top choice for early game planting, gathering, and wood collecting.

  • Planting (Level 1)
  • Handiwork (Level 1)
  • Lumbering (Level 1)
  • Transporting (Level 1)
  • Gathering (Level 1)

Possible Drops

Tanzee Drops

  • Mushroom

Alpha Tanzee Drops

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Mushroom
  • Precious Claw
  • Ring of Grass Resistance


Tanzee is quick on its feet and can be helpful in a fight but this Pal is not as durable as other ones and may end up getting defeated if you fight stronger enemies.

If you want to get a Plantation going, it would be good to have Tanzee along with a Water Pal to provide your base with an unlimited supply of food.

Keep in mind that the damage from Tanzee’s Assault Rifle will scale with its level and that it will stay in one spot while Cheery Rifle is active.

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