Palworld Univolt Boss (Location, Drops, Weakness & Defeating)

Several Pals can be discovered in Palpagos Island and one Field Boss known as Univolt the Swift Deity can be found far from its brethren.

This Electric unicorn-like Pal is a stronger variant than the ones that you find in the Bamboo Grove and is considered a boss in the Palworld.

The Swift Deity will charge at you to shock you with electricity and send sparks flying as it attempts to hit you with its many attacks.

Univolt Field Boss Palworld

Univolt Boss Location

Univolt location map

Univolt the Swift Deity can be found around the Sea Breeze Archipelago at (-117, -543) as this is where it’s spawn location is fixed.

You will find this majestic Electric Pal wandering the area and once you get close to it, the fight with this Field Boss will begin.

Fighting Univolt, Swift Deity

Univolt will be Level 31 when you encounter it and at first, it will ignore your presence but it will turn aggressive if you get closer and walk in front of it.

This Field Boss only uses Electric Attacks against you, which makes it useful to use a Ground Pal during the fight since they take less damage from Electric attacks.

Lightning Streak and Spark Blast are some of its attacks that are easier to dodge if you are distant from Univolt but it also has other attacks.

It uses Tri-Lightning to cast down multiple lightning strikes and has Lock-on Laser, which has this boss locking onto you for a few seconds before unleashing a powerful blast.

If you see the Swift Deity coming at you without attacking, this means it is about to use Shockwave, which can be avoided by moving close to the boss and dodging out of its way afterward.

Attacking Univolt in the head will deal extra damage to it while the use of Ground Pals will be more effective than those with other elements.

Univolt Field Boss Drops

During your encounter with Univolt the Swift Deity, you can choose to defeat or capture it and this will provide you with the following drops:

  • Ancient Civilization Parts
  • Leather
  • Electric Organ
  • Precious Claw


Univolt will only have access to Electric attacks at Level 31, which makes it easy to counter this boss with a Ground Pal.

The materials that it drops are useful for crafting except for Precious Claw as this is only used as a source of Gold Coins since you can sell it to a Wandering Merchant.

Several of Univolt’s attacks require some time before or after being released and these can be cancelled by stunning it with consecutive headshots.

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